Good Evening.

Whereas some Zambians may be surprised by the reason that Inspector General of Police Graphael Musamba has given for blocking every proposed opposition rally since he was appointed, the Zambian Whistleblower is not.

In case you missed it, what Musamba said is that the Police has not been allowing opposition rallies because ” The other side is always ready to attack them”.

The other side in this case being the armed members of the ruling party, the United Party for National Development ( UPND). These are the groups which in the past week have become so brazen as to go around welding Machetes to prevent the New Heritage Party from holding their rally on Saturday June 1, 2024.

What Graphael Musamba has inadvertently disclosed is that the Zambia Police is very aware that the ” Ready and armed attack force” is prepared to attack physically any opposition political party to stop them from holding rallies.

But Graphael Musamba and his Zambia Police are the ones with the duty of maintaining law and order and protecting the rights of all Zambians so that they can enjoy their freedom of association and assembly. Musamba and his officers know the threat posed by this ready armed attack force but have deliberately refused to neutralise it.

Instead, Musamba’s Police have chosen to consistently violate the democratic rights of opposition political parties, while turning a blind eye to the growing threat that armed UPND cadres pose to Zambian society in general.

It is no wonder that the UPND cadres have been emboldened by the enabling stance taken by Musamba and his Police officers to now come out in full red party regalia, armed to the teeth, and in full view of the Zambia Police officers sent to broke the New Heritage Party rally.

In other words, Musamba instructed Police officers to ignore the crime of carrying offensive weapons in public, on one hand, while authorising them to violate the democratic right of the New Heritage Party to hold a peaceful political rally.

Now the whole nation knows that all that talk about Zambia’s security situation was a lie. It is a creation of government instructions and police collusion, while the armed UPND cadres were just the hidden option to stop opposition rallies.

There are two clear instructions from the very top of government circles which are connected to this undemocratic denial of opposition parties’ rights.

The first one is the tacit approval of IG Musamba’s brutish Police tactics by President Hakainde Hichilema, who said ” he wished he had found Graphael Musamba much earlier “. Meaning that the President has been very happy with Musamba’s heavy handed policing style, and continous broking of opposition rallies.

The President’s happiness comes from seeing the Police IG working according to his plans. This is why despite the President’s rhetoric about violent UPND cadres being on their own on, the Police has not taken any action against them or followed up complaints from the parties attacked by UPND cadres, especially the Socialist Party.

Therefore, whatever President Hichilema might say now about violence by the UPND should be dismissed. He will simply be making noises which he thinks are appropriate to make him save face with the Zambian public and International community.

The second instruction was given by Charles Milupi Minister of Infrastructure and Urban Development, to Gilbert Liswaniso UPND National youth Chairman, to ” sort out people insulting President Hichilema”. These instructions were given in the presence of the President in Western Province.

Since Gilbert Liswaniso as a party functionary does not have authority to do any legal sorting out of citizens, the logical conclusion is that Milupi was instructing Liswaniso to release armed UPND cadres to begin physically attacking those deemed to be insulting President Hichilema, and those whose activities are seen as a threat to his government- which is all opposition parties and government critics.

It is not surprising that shortly afterwards, Petauke Central Independent Member of Parliament ( MP) Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda was abducted after being named as one of those targeted to be sorted out.

Shortly thereafter, there was that display of Machetes and other Weapons, as UPND cadres descended on Chipata compound grounds to join the Zambia Police in ensuring the New Heritage Party did not conduct its political rally.

In the meantime, other UPND cadres were seen on Social media boasting that they had chased Bowman Lusambo of the Patriotic Front all over Kabwe until he left their town.

This was also shortly after another bunch of UPND cadres followed former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to the offices of the Drug Enforcement Commission ( DEC) hurling insults at him. This is lawlessness.

President Hichilema’s talk about unruly cadres being ” on your own” is meaningless talk. The true intentions and instructions to the Police have been exposed by armed UPND cadres who have come out of the Woodwork beginning last Saturday.

The final nail is that IG Musamba has now disclosed the sick logic behind the evil scheme to deny all opposition parties the opportunity to mobilise through political rallies.

Musamba has let Zambians know the true undemocratic credentials of President Hichilema and exposed the hidden armed attack force embedded in the UPND.

We compiled this article way before President Hakainde Hichilema’s Press Briefing at State House. We have taken note of the HATE SPEECH, LIES AND JUSTIFICATION OF CADRES ON THE STREETS.

We shall give you our full opinion tomorrow at 20hrs, that is if we will not have other important matters to relay. If there are those who want to offer theirs, they are free to do so.
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Good Night
©️ Zambian Whistleblower


  1. This is absolutely sickening. So you chain the victim so the aggressor can roam freely? What kind of thinking is this from the so called Police IG? If UPND cadres want to attack opposition party gatherings, arrest them because they will be breaking the law.

    This IG is a disgrace to the police “service” and a real and present danger to our democracy. He is religiously following in the footsteps of his notorious predecessor, Kakoma Kanganja, who left the police in a very sorry state.

    It seems as a nation we never learn. No wonder Mr. Lungu thinks he stands a good chance of bouncing back. The lesson of the brutal Police Force (PF) seems to have been lost just after less than three years.


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