August 29, 2024

The Lusaka Magistrates’ Court was yesterday informed of the unfortunate news that former Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General, Davies Mwila, has been hospitalized in India.

According to his legal representatives, Mwila is currently battling an undisclosed illness and is receiving medical treatment abroad. Due to his deteriorating health condition, he was unable to attend the scheduled court proceedings.

Chief Resident Magistrate Davies Chibwili was notified of Mwila’s situation by his lawyers, who expressed their client’s deep regret for missing the court session. The court acknowledged the development, and the matter has been adjourned to a later date.

(C) Fyambe Media


    • “Mukakakwa if you lose elections” Your prophecy is manifesting now Defunct TuPF criminals
      Stay safe
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

      • Well, at the time, Davies, like voters, thought the new regime were serious on fighting corruption. But we have all seen that they are even more corrupt than PF. They were envying PF kanshi.

        Vote wisely in 2026.

      • Bushe kwena busuma ubu ubwakulabutaikafye mwebakalamba?
        Bane, akatina kasuma sana.
        ATI ‘teku Church tuli’!
        Kwena nangula nifyofine, Lesa ka mitangalile mupole ba Mwila.
        Lesa abenenu.
        Quick recovery mukwai.

      • Be part of the human family at least for once. You know your UPND is even more corrupt! Wish Mr Mwila a quick recovery even if hurts your nature!!!

  1. Bushe kwena busuma ubu ubwakulabutaikafye mwebakalamba?
    Bane, akatina kasuma sana.
    ATI ‘teku Church tuli’!
    Kwena nangula nifyofine, Lesa ka mitangalile mupole ba Mwila.
    Lesa abenenu.
    Quick recovery mukwai.

  2. Zambian politicians learn KK’s patriotism. Why leave UTH to go and die in India. Zambian politicians especially ba pfools why build ama level fimofimo hospitals when can’t go there? May every Zambian politician who goes abroad to seek medical attention come back in a cascate. Bakabwalala imwee from a shi mine giving kampopo or shamutete to miners at Nchanga mine. Come back and die in your country. There is no Jesus in India. Come back Davis and answer to the charges against you.

  3. Davis mwila PF criminals/cardres are missing your instructions of correcting money from the markets, please come back because we may lose you that side, Kennedy sakeni was suffering the same disease of sliming like you.Jokes aside get well soon we need your 6 points here in Zambia.

  4. Many PF use this tactics. With the plundered money they could have had excellent doctors from anywhere in the world and latest equipment here in Zambia

  5. Her honor the Vice President told Parliament that the ND government had created a window for plunderers to return the stolen money and property and those who headed the call were exempted from arrests and all these Court appearances, they are now leading a quiet and peaceful life. If that asylum window is still there, it’s better to take advantage of it. To me it’s a better option ukuchila ukusebana ifi.
    However, I wish him quick recovery, apart from what he did, he still remains our dear brother and we love him. But for Lawyers or family members, please let’s try to avoid displaying the photos of the sick in public, it’s unethical and inhuman. You could have just shown the photo to the Courts if they wanted any proof and not to the general public.

  6. Be part of the human family for at least once. You know your UPND is even more corrupt! Wish Mr Mwila a quick recovery even if it hurts your nature

  7. Bye bye mwila. Once out of power depression sets in coupled with loss of lucrative lifestyle using looted funds leads to health failure and eventually death.


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