Home Politics PF My advice to dictator Lungu

My advice to dictator Lungu


My advice to dictator Lungu.

By John Hankwanga

IPS information desk matero constituency-youth.

As upnd youth in matero constituency,we wish to condemn in the strongest terms ,the evil ,wicked and destructive words uttered by the former head of state and PF President Mr Edgar .C. Lungu.

Mr Lungu while holding his meeting in Samfya in Luapula province  yesterday did incite civil servants to rise against the government.

In his direct words he said as quoted”if you do the right thing and you fired ,you will be re-instated and even more promoted,mean while if you are a problem will follow you in your homes and sort you out”.

These words are strong and destructive ,inciting government workers to rise against their employer is a crime. Therefore we would like to tell the PF President that inciting citizens to rise against the state is evil and should not be said and heard among us.

We have a law that governs elections in this country and a mandate is given to one ruling party that wins election to rule for a period not exceeding 5 years with concurrence for the second term, therefore the right channel is to wait until after 5 years to usher in a new leader,who I believe will still be his excellence the President of this republic Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

Mr Lungu should know that the President of this country is Mr Hakainde Hichilema and that he is committed to solving the matrix of problems that he himself created for the country.

He plunged this country into a huge debt, creating a messy we are in today.The same debt he  failed to restructure until the able leadership of Mr Hakainde Hichilema came in and restructured the debt.

Today both Mr Lungu and any other opposition leader is able to smile because of the methodical and meticulous way of doing things because of the visionary and good leadership in Mr Hichilema,KCM and MOPANI are back.

We thank the head of state for being so committed to making sure that there is a smile over the face of every Zambian.

The government the first of it’s kind has created jobs close to 100,000 in 3 years. Very remarkable and extraordinary milestone achieved in these few years and this should sink in the head of those inciting civil servants to rise against the state.

However Mr Lungu should realise that allowing him to hold a rally is not a weakness or his right because it’s not time for campaigns,it’s merely showcasing the strength of our democratic principles.

The freedom he is enjoying today should not be mistaken to a weakness by the head of state,and therefore should try by all means to restrain himself from speaking recklessly on public forums.

As a party especially in matero constituency,our call and stance is clear ,we will not allow distractors to influence our achievements and work so far,our support for our President his excellence Mr Hakainde Hichilema in unwavering and shall continue until we fulfill the vision of a better Zambia.

We are optimistic that no civil servant will be influenced by a frustrated loser of election in 2021 and that efforts to make things for Zambians better is our priority,thank you very much and God bless you all.



  1. He has no government to be a dictator of! It’s a Fruedian slip alright, it’s your HH ruling this country!!


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