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My wife and I have just safely arrived home after a long day at DEC HQ – Edgar Lungu


Good evening, fellow citizens.

My wife, Mrs. Esther Lungu, and I, together with our daughter Chiyesu and a close relative, Mr. Charles Phiri, have just safely arrived home after a long day at the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) HQ in Lusaka following official summons to appear before them today.

Following the whole day of interviews, my wife, Chiyeso, and Mr. Phiri have been charged with possession of property allegedly obtained through proceeds of crime, a charge we will challenge in the courts of law. They were all arrested and subsequently released on bond.

My wife and all members of my family are eternally grateful to all of you that supported us today. I am fully aware that all our supporters and sympathizers were physically chased by UPND thugs, who were ferried in buses to camp at DEC the whole day.

We remain focused and see political light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless you all.

H.E Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth President of Zambia
Patriotic Front Party President

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), has jointly and severally charged and formerly arrested Esther Nyawa Tembo Lungu, female aged 66 of Lusaka’s Lilayi area, the wife to former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Chiyeso Lungu Katete, female aged 33 of Lusaka’s Kawama area, and Charles Phiri, male aged 67 of Kafue’s Liyayi area.

DEC Public Relations Officer Allan Tamba says
Esther Lungu has been arrested for Possession of Property Reasonably suspected to be Proceeds of Crime, Contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the laws of Zambia.

Tamba said particulars of the case are that Esther Lungu, jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2023, at Lusaka, in the Lusaka District of the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia, did possess real estate properties namely; 15 white double storey Flats situated at Property No. CHONG_ 9334/1 to 4 in State Lodge area of Chongwe District, the same, reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime whose calculated estimated cost of construction was ZMW41, 586,110.66.

He said the subject property was interpolated to ZMW24, 256,434.55 and the suspect has failed to give a reasonable explanation of how she acquired the same.

Tamba said Chiyeso and Phiri have been arrested for Possession of properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime Contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia.

He said particulars of the matter are that Charles Phiri, jointly and whilst acting together with Chiyeso Lungu Katete and other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2023 at Lusaka, in the Lusaka District of the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia, did possess real estate properties namely; a three (03) Storey Lodge Called “The Crest Lodge” on property No. LUS/38478 off Twin Palm Road in Ibex Hill, Lusaka, whose estimated cost of construction as of November 2022 was ZMW15, 549,422.22 and was interpolated to ZMW 9, 069,699.87.

Tamba said Chiyeso has been charged with Possession of properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime, Contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act of the Laws of Zambia.

He said particulars of the offence are that Chiyeso, jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2023, at Lusaka, in the Lusaka District of the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia, did possess real estate properties namely; Three (3) Flats on Property No. L/9390/M and/or LUSAK/LN_79093/1 in State Lodge, Lusaka District, whose estimated cost of construction as of November 2022 was ZMW2, 426,007.53 and was interpolated to ZMW2, 695,895.28.

Tamba said she was arrested for possession of 1 High-Cost house, 4 Chicken Runs, and associated external works on Property No. L/9390/M in State Lodge, Lusaka whose estimated cost of construction as of November 2022 was ZMW7, 863,688.14 and was interpolated to ZMW6, 679,543.34.

He said Tasila Lungu, also facing separate but related charges, is allegedly on Maternity leave, and her Lawyers have been advised to inform their client to report at the DEC on Monday, 3rd June, 2024 to answer to the charges.


  1. You even have a relative? Surprise, surprise!
    So how do you explain all this wealth? Is this where money from KCM went? Or it’s from fire tenders? Leaving the whole country languishing in poverty.

  2. My only worry is the ability of investigators to do the right thing but I will wait and see. I have no reason to believe that they’re up to the task. I will to see if they will pleasantly surprise me.

  3. My advice to your excellency Edigar Lungu. Sir step back from politics preserve your dignity sir. For the love of your family. Zambia is for all Zambians. We would like to give you the respect you deserve as a states man sir.

    • He is not a statesman. He stole and so did his family. Stop butter coating and massaging him. What is wrong with you Zambians? Somebody sjamboked you and you ask him to return and continue where he left????

  4. “We remain focused and see political light at the end of the tunnel.”

    There is no politics involved here. All that is required is a convincing explanation in relation to the source of these huge sums of money in the absence of any known business undertaking.

  5. This whole family are thieves and the rapist’s of Zambia
    Lungu and his family MUST give back out money NOW OR ELSE……
    lock them all up and throw away the keys. If any member of the lungu family is innocent then my father is a baboon …

  6. He is not a statesman. He stole and so did his family. Stop butter coating and massaging him. What is wrong with you Zambians? Somebody sjamboked you and you ask him to return and continue where he left????


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