Home Politics PF Nellie Mutti took time to see Hon. Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda...

Nellie Mutti took time to see Hon. Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda at Maina Soko Medical Centre

Nellie Mutti


The Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia, Nelly Mutti made a compassionate visit to the Petauke Central Independent Member of Parliament, Emmanuel Jay Banda, who is currently receiving medical care at Maina Soko Hospital.

In a statement, Mutti announced her intention to visit Hon. Banda to personally inquire about his health and recovery progress.

Arriving at the hospital at 11:40 hours, she was accompanied by the Honourable Deputy Chief Whip, Gregory Ngowani, along with other staff members from the National Assembly.

Welcomed by the Hospital Commandant Brig. General Dr. Levy Muchemwa and his team of senior staff, Speaker Mutti expressed her well-wishes for Banda’s swift recovery. She spent time with his sister and other family members who were present, emphasizing the importance of their support and cooperation with the medical team to ensure a speedy recuperation.

Speaker Mutti’s visit underscores the Assembly’s support for its members and highlights the importance of health and well-being for the representatives of the Zambian people.

She encouraged the family to remain focused on Banda’s recovery, so he may soon return to his duties in the National Assembly, serving the constituents of Petauke Central.


  1. It’s not mwebantu!
    Zambians need to learn that the fact that we are opponents in the political space doesnt mean we are enemies.
    We are both citizens of one country and you cant hate someone just because he or she belongs to the party that opposes yours.
    We are the envy of many an African country but we are trying hard to divide ourselves. This is not what Kaunda, Liso, Wina, Mulemba Nkumbula, Kapwepwe fought for. We are wasting time in which we could have gone forward. Stop this focus on what tribes we come from. It only takes us backwards.

  2. Well, well, well! Jay Banda couldn’t even look into Nelly’s eyes. It all speaks for itself that he is faking an illness which is detrimental to his own health.
    He’s getting lots of medication through that canular and that medicine will only harm the health body organs especially the liver.
    The idyot thinks he is clever but sooner or later, the medicine won’t work when will genuinely need it. Let him keep on faking the illnesses and the hospital will keep on pumping the medicine into his fat body, killing his health body parts.
    Let’s wait and see how long he survives it.


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