Home World Nikki Haley easily defeated by Donald Trump in Michigan primary

Nikki Haley easily defeated by Donald Trump in Michigan primary


Donald Trump has emerged as the top contender for the Republican presidential nomination after securing a comfortable win in the Michigan primary. With nearly all the votes counted, Mr. Trump won 68%, while Nikki Haley only got 27%.

Ms Haley hasn’t won any races in the contest to choose the party’s candidate for the November election. She promised to keep fighting and believes that Mr. Trump can’t beat Joe Biden in the presidential election.

As the results started coming in on Tuesday night, the ex-UN ambassador told the media “We need to save our country. ”

However, she admitted that it is very likely that the Republican party now supports Mr. Trump’s views instead of her own.

Ms Haley promised to continue seeking votes, but it seems more and more certain that there will be another election in November between Mr. Trump and President Biden.

Miss Haley’s loss to Mr. Trump in Michigan is her fifth loss in a row in the primary elections. Ms Haley lost to a 77-year-old in South Carolina over the weekend.

Tuesday’s defeat is another setback for her hopes of becoming president. Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP), a group started by the wealthy Koch brothers, said they won’t give money to her campaign anymore after she didn’t do well in South Carolina.

However, her campaign said that the results and the percentage of Michigan Republican voters who did not support the former president are a warning for Trump in November.

On Monday night, Mr. Trump said in a statement that his campaign won by an even bigger margin in Michigan than they expected, even though he didn’t go there to campaign.

He also said that car factory workers, who are a big group of voters in the state, “support us”. In the past month, a union called United Automobile Workers, which represents 400,000 workers, supported President Biden’s campaign for re-election.

A person can become the Republican nominee by winning 1,215 delegates in state-level elections.

Most of the delegates in Michigan will be given out on Saturday, during the state’s party convention. Only 16 people are chosen by the first vote.

Next week, there will be more delegates available for the candidates from both parties during Super Tuesday.

No one is really competing against Mr. Biden to become the Democratic candidate.

Even though he easily won the Michigan primary, many people voted “uncommitted” in the Democratic contest as a protest against the White House’s support for Israel during the war in Gaza.



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