Home Politics PF Nine PF held Parliamentary seats declared vacant

Nine PF held Parliamentary seats declared vacant



Lusaka- Wednesday 3rd July, 2024

The Speaker of the National Assembly has declared the nine seats of Members of Parliament from the Patriotic Front that recently lost their case in the Constitutional Court challenging their expulsion by Miles Sampa.

Those affected are; Ronald Kaoma Chitotela (Pambashe) Nickson Chilangwa( Kawambwa), Christopher Kangombe (Kamfinsa), Remember Chanda Mutale ( Chitambo), Brian Mundubile ( Mporokoso), Stephen Kampyongo (Shiwangandu), Mulenga Fube (Chilubi) and Mutotwe Kafwaya.

Speaker has refused to recognize the letter written by Miles Sampa renouncing the expulsion stating that Morgan Ng’ona, the so-called Secretary General should have written the letter of renunciation to the Speaker.

The Speaker has also refused information that shows a process was filed in the Constitutional Court against the earlier judgement.

Nine PF held Parliamentary seats declared vacant

Pambashe- Ronald Chitotela

Lupososhi – Emmanuel Mpakata

Kawambwa – Nickson Chilangwa

Kamfinsa- Christopher Kang’ombe

Chitambo- Remember Chanda Mutale

Mporokoso- Brian Mundubile

Shiwang’andu- Stephen Kampyongo

Chilubi- Mulenga Fube

Lunte- Mutotwe Kafwaya

#InfinityMediaHub #stayinformed


    • The best news ever, let people grow up. Its better to spend for bye elections to have better leaders than to have just noise makers for 5years in parliament.
      At list order and seriousness will return to parliament.

  1. what is happening mwebantu, Miles is dinning with ECL. The morning ati 9 mps expelled. Ime nasalilako apa..Can someone educate me!!!@@ me please

  2. It is not mingalato but following the rule of law and stopping childish politics in Zambia. There has been also of childish behaviour in PF it is time to bring sanity to politics.

  3. Time to normalize parliament by cleansing it of rogue parliamentarians. The decency of governance depends on credible law makers and not arm chair critics.
    Miles must tread this journey carefully and help to raise the bar. He should be careful not to make it a tribal party.

  4. It is not mingalato but following the rule of law and stopping childish politics in Zambia. There has been a lot of childish behaviour in PF it is time to bring sanity to politics.

  5. How nations fail . Hakainde’s Zambia in free fall. The Mingalatoon dominos falling all Over..if one was to ask the speaker why the seats of the 9 MPs have been declared vacant, she wouldn’t know! What offence have they committed? She doesn’t know?
    The useless Zambia we have become!

    • I take it this is just one of those hallucinating episodes. How does HH come in?
      This country needs level headed people rather than comedians who just want to play to the gallery.
      I think Miles is helping to crumble the ‘tower of Babylon’
      Those that are excited with UKA are just blind and don’t realize that it’s a group of one man parties with one visionles individual leading the way. If HH were to work for seven years, would this country be on a downward spiral as was in the Tantameni Episode? It is true that they turned this country into some kind of parte after parte illusion and took on board all the lazy people who just wanted handouts and patronizing places like Pa corner, Grand Daddies, and other entertainment places.
      The people didn’t realize that they were eating crumbs of the money the PF had borrowed for national development, while the big fish were amassing wealth abroad.
      This same money they have hidden abroad is enriching those countries who even end up lending it back to you as Zambia, at an interest!
      Where is the wisdom?
      What reason do some people want to come back and do when all we saw was violence, murders, harrassment of traders on Streets and in markets, tribal divisions, withdrawal of students bursaries, stealing of social cash transfer, personalizing mines in the name of protecting interests of Zambians,
      Mukula curtails etc.
      Why do Zambians forget so easily? Batiila, “AKABWELELANUMA KALAYA!’
      IN SHORT, MILES IS PATRIOTIC AND WANTS A ZAMBIAN AND NORTH & EAST FACED Zambian political setup that became tribally toxic.

      • I take it this is just one of those hallucinating episodes. How does HH come in?
        This country needs level headed people rather than comedians who just want to play to the gallery.
        I think Miles is helping to crumble the ‘tower of Babylon’
        Those that are excited with UKA are just blind and don’t realize that it’s a group of one man parties with one visionles individual leading the way. If HH were to work for seven years, would this country be on a downward spiral as was in the Tantameni Episode? It is true that they turned this country into some kind of parte after parte illusion and took on board all the lazy people who just wanted handouts and patronizing places like Pa corner, Grand Daddies, and other entertainment places.
        The people didn’t realize that they were eating crumbs of the money the PF had borrowed for national development, while the big fish were amassing wealth abroad.
        This same money they have hidden abroad is enriching those countries who even end up lending it back to you as Zambia, at an interest!
        Where is the wisdom?
        What reason do some people want to come back and do when all we saw was violence, murders, harrassment of traders on Streets and in markets, tribal divisions, withdrawal of students bursaries, stealing of social cash transfer, personalizing mines in the name of protecting interests of Zambians,
        Mukula curtails etc.
        Why do Zambians forget so easily? Batiila, “AKABWELELANUMA KALAYA!’
        IN SHORT, MILES IS PATRIOTIC AND WANTS A ZAMBIAN INCLUSIVE PARTY AND NOT JUST A NORTH & EAST FACED Zambian political setup that became tribally toxic.

  6. Miles Sampa needs to go as well. The chap is very childish and very unstable. This is a person that doesn’t have a stable friend or confidant. No, something wrong with Mr Sampa and he needs to go!

  7. Is it upnd or miles sampa who fired them?MUNA KALIBA don’t be stuck with tribalism in your head study the case before vomiting pity latrine words, those mps refused to recognized sampa as president.You want mps from other provinces to be also fired for no reason? Those mps looks to be very strong on the ground, whoever they can adopt can still return seats although bye elections are bad the law also needs to be followed.


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