The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Garry Nkombo has directed the immediate demolition of a perimeter wall fence built on a road reserve by a Chinese national along Sara Mubanga Road in the Mass Media area.

During an on-site operation yesterday, Hon. Nkombo revealed that his ministry in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands and Lusaka City Council had made numerous attempts to engage the developer, but to no avail.

“We’ve tried to reason with the developer, but we were ignored. Now, we have no choice but to take action and remove the illegal structure,” he stated.

The Minister emphasized that the structure was erected without consultation or a building permit and its construction on top of a drainage system has been causing flooding in nearby homes.

He said this situation is unacceptable and must be corrected immediately.

The Minister also warned the public against constructing buildings without consulting the relevant authorities, emphasizing that such actions have severe legal consequences.

Meanwhile, the Lusaka City Council swang into action hours after the ministerial order and raised down the perimeter wall fence.

The Minister was accompanied by Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Nicholas Phiri, Lusaka Mayor Ms. Chilando Chitangala, Lusaka City Council officials, and the media during the operation.

Issued By: Chola Mwamba
Public Relations Manager
Lusaka City Council



  1. Ati we will demolish Forest 27 within 30 days of being elected.

    Today, they themselves have built their own mansions there.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. A by-law to fine these folks that flaut buildingband planning petmission needs to be enacted. We have seen these acts go on unabated, and the lack of punitive action only allows those that perpetuate them to continue.

  3. upnd guys have the experience of insulting and lies like their leader hh who once said pamunyoko (an insult in tonga language ) at a public rally , they post insults insteady of criticising their opponets constructively) nowamder some of us have stoped surppoting upnd , we blame hakainde since we know that when the fish is rotting it starts from the head and not the tail, even here check the comment of upnd guys, this shows their low level of thinking by taking politics very personal as if it is only them who made hichilema to win as if he is the last president of zambia or simply untouchable .M i voted for hikained with the mind of lets try him ,2026 no more bcoz we have known the true charactor .

    • Imwe Church elder wa boza….Pamunyoko is not an insult. Pa..meaning give in tonga. Munyoko means relative. Even me who is not tonga can decipher that. Now you want to came here and misinform people?
      Find another reason to be critical about HH and stop being petty in you arguement. Lets deal with issues that affect our livihood instead of petty non sensical things that have no bearing on the price of food, provide shelter and education/health. If anything ba elder stick to your craft. Preaching the word of God. Not lies and innuendo

  4. Mudenda mwana ing’ombe illede is a tonga expresion meaning a slepping cow , if you want you can make it a nick name to someone who is slepping when things are getting bad without him fixing when he promised us mealie mealie of k 5o ,don’t ask again.

  5. “We’ve tried to reason with the developer, but we were ignored. Now, we have no choice but to take action and remove the illegal structure,” he stated.
    Did the minister listen to himself when he uttered the words above? Was he serious? Reason with someone who has carried out an illegal activity? No wonder foreigners doing business in Zambia can do as they please. We have very weak leaders and weak councils that cannot enforce by-laws.Corruption is the order of the day now in Zambia. PF and UPND “same difference”.


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