No PF Minister will be adopted in our government-HH


    Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema says none of the serving PF Ministers will be retained if the UPND forms government next year.

    Mr. Hichilema said the UPND in government We will not adopt any Minister from the current PF government to serve in the role of Minister.

    “As you can see, the are numerous factors that affect who will serve in our government but in due course, as we move past various milestones, you will be informed. You have my word on this,” Mr. Hichilema said.

    He added that the Public Service Management Division, the HR department of the government will conduct an audit to ensure that not only does the UPND government have competent and qualified people, it also erases the corrupt phenomenon of “Ghost Workers.”

    He said it is no secret that the civil service is riddled with highly incompetent PF cadres.

    “Those are undoubtedly going. It is also not a secret that the civil service is not a reflection of the diversity of our country. It must be balanced by various tribes, youth, gender & other groups. We won’t fire anyone for political reasons but rather, based on merit. Most good civil servants will stay, even though they were engaged through the PF.”

    “This may be disconcerting to many but we have to be inclusive and objective. A significant number of Directors and PSs will have to be evaluated based on their competencies, performance, and record. We certainly intend to inject new blood in such roles and candidates are already in the system. Some will, of course, come from outside government. Let us bear in mind that there is a civil service in place.”

    He said his party had done an initial assessment of the caliber of those employed in it and many, I must admit are sound. There has been problems with regard to politicization of key roles such as Directors and Permanent Secretaries.

    We need career professionals who carry out our outlined objectives.

    We have developed performance metrics similar to those used in the private sector that will be strictly enforced. Our aim is to have a truly competent & effective Gov’t that delivers on the people’s aspirations.



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