Home Politics PF Of some PF MPs making alarming statements!

Of some PF MPs making alarming statements!


We’ve said it time and again; we shall still echo the same sentiments – the Patriotic Front (PF) is tribal to the core!

Why do we say so?

Instead of the PF leadership leaving the Police to conduct thorough investigations during the “abduction” of Jay Jay Banda and inform the nation accordingly, they quickly bring in the issue of tribe. Some of the utterances issued by some PF MPs at their press briefing yesterday have the potential to not only erode the spirit of our “One Zambia One Nation” motto as envisaged by our forefathers, but also easily turn our rivers red with blood, make our streets littered with decomposing corpses as vast acreage of land is opened-up for mass graves to accommodate great numbers of our people as a result of tribal wars!

“We shall also declare Eastern province a “No Go” area for your tribesmen and women,” cautioned Munir Zulu. “Let the Northerners be in the North; we the Easterners shall be in East……Let the Southerners be in the South!”

What a careless and irresponsible statement to make! Who is Munir Zulu to confine certain ethnic groupings to specific locations within this country? Zulu is simply whipping up people’s emotions and stoking the flames of tribalism which may engulf this nation and consume everything in its path!

At the same event, Maureen Mabonga, the Mfuwe constituency MP claimed that the hatred that is being targeted at the Bembas and the easterners is getting out of hand.

She further warned that, “the Bembas, the easterners are larger in numbers. They may have the state machinery (meaning UPND). How many police officers do we have? We Bembas and the easterners have the numbers.”

Madam Mabonga this is tantamount to a declaration of tribal wars! How would our citizens in the villages surely interpret this message? They’d definitely take it that certain tribes are mightier than the others. Don’t be surprised if our people shall soon resort to going after each other’s throats as a result of your prompting.

We’d like to call upon the police to demonstrate that they are firmly in charge by bringing in the two said individuals for questioning. They’ve just gone way too far!

As for the Petauke Central Member of Parliament, Jay Jay Banda this writer won’t be swayed by emotions and comment anyhow but rather leave the police to do their work. And as the police invite Banda to assist them with investigations, please consider procuring Lie Detectors as well, just in case you don’t have the same, to help you establish the truth, and nothing but the truth. You may be dealing with complicated and crafty individuals who may be upto no good. Remember what Edgar Lungu had hinted at….that 2026 might be too far. Open your eyes and ears wider!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Polical/Social Analyst


  1. You can call them alarming today because you are in power, just wait for when things change, when tide will be against you, you will cry the night.


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