Home Politics PF Officials linked to Ministry of Finance scandal willing to pay back

Officials linked to Ministry of Finance scandal willing to pay back


Officials linked to Ministry of Finance scandal willing to pay back

SOME officials implicated in the Ministry of Finance scandal are voluntarily offering to pay back the money they illegally received as the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) freezes their accounts.

In a statement released by ACC head of corporate communication Timothy Moono announced the arrest of 18 officials including the auditor general, his two deputies and 15 other officials from cabinet office and Ministry of Finance.

They are being charged and investigated on payments made for fictitious activities and theft of public funds.

“Among those arrested include the Auditor-General Dr. Dick Sichembe, Former Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba, Accountant General Kennedy Musonda, two Deputy Auditor-Generals namely Clara Mazumba and Francis Mbewe,” Moono said.

“Others arrested are Director for Budget and Economic Affairs Chomba Kabwe, Director for Policy and Research Fides Mulenga, Principal Accountant Elijah Manunga, Director for Internal Audit Norah Mwila Sichilongo, Director for Local Government and Projects Mumba Bwalya, Senior Accountant Edward Zimbizi, Principal for Budget Analysis Medson Moyo, Accountant Angela Bwalya, and Controller of Internal Audit Chibwe Nobert Mulonda.”

Moono said the officials who are voluntarily offering to pay back the funds they illegally obtained are doing as allowed in the Anti Corruption act 3 of 2012 section 80.

Moono said as investigations are currently underway the commission is not targeting any person at the Ministry of Finance as the process is purely professional and based on information obtained from the allegations.

“The Commission has subsequently restricted several bank accounts held by individuals suspected to be involved in this saga as part of on-going investigations,” said Moono.

By Moses Makwaya




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