Home Politics PF On The Toxicity of Politics & Governance in Zambia!- Rev Walter Mwambazi

On The Toxicity of Politics & Governance in Zambia!- Rev Walter Mwambazi


On The Toxicity of Politics & Governance in Zambia!
A rant by Rev Walter Mwambazi

This will be my last post on such an emotive subject, but it must be addressed. And I shall address it with all the attention it deserves. And yes, I am addressing this as clergy.

One of the saddest realities of our great nation is the terrible culture of intolerance and division. Whether we like it or not, who governs as president affects us all, including the church.

I always speak my mind on politics, and I am not about to stop because some think I should “stick to my lane”! Which lane?

Those who become president make decisions, those decisions affect all of us, pamo na chechi!

So, if one is in charge, or wants to be in charge, and yet have issues we don’t subscribe to, we shall speak.

I always have.

The only difference between then and now is that then, you spoke in a certain way, or else you’d get the cadres threatening violence or even death!

In case we have forgotten, let me remind you

-Didn’t we have countless vehicles moving around unregistered with simply the marker ECL2021?

-Didn’t we have many situations where cadres gave instructions to the police? It’s amazing that today JJ is being hailed a victim when he is on record going to central police with a band of colleagues, beating up the police and even collecting whatever he collected there!

-Didn’t we have a cadre on record saying they would burn an office and a particular person at ministry offices, and even went to threaten the PS – on camera?

-Didn’t we have a police man threaten HH and his band of lawyers with an automatic rifle (AK-47) point blank on camera?

-Didn’t we have the police shoot dead two persons, one Kaunda and one Nsama?

-Didn’t we have markets marked by stands with the PF colors and regalia, including intercity? A “tax” was levied on everyone, without remorse or apology!

-Didn’t we have countless videos of cadres and thugs going round the compounds beating up perceived UPND supporters, destroying property and burning goods?

Tell me if these were not true? Who perpetrated these?

Yes I know UPND isn’t a party of angels either, and there have been retributions in a number of places, but not to the scale that we had during the PF regime.

That was scary!

No one could control them. Even at state function, cadres could drive in bus load and after bus load and nobody said anything! They would then “raid” the buffet in full view of even the president!


Today I am addressing this because it’s shameful that even some of my colleagues want to gas light me for my statement recently, yet they know this was the culture of that party.

For those who’ve forgotten their history, it hails all the way back to UNIP and one William Banda. It was carried into the MMD under our beloved MCS and in 2001 we haven’t forgotten the violence perpetrated in Chawama. He tried to control it later as PF president but MMD was already notorious for this.

Anyone remember Shi Mumbi? Anyone!? Even William Banda. That’s why all his properties were burnt when PF took over in retribution for the “hell” he had been wreaking on PF.

Then PF became the same thing later. And they took it up a notch. It was horrible.

Currently HH is trying to control it. It’s not out completely, but we can all admit it’s far better today. People can wear a green PF chitenge and nobody will harass them.

Would it be the same if one wore a UPND chitenge back then? We all know that was not possible because you’d be beaten senseless for that.

Fellow colleagues within the church, we cannot cower and hold back from commenting on issues of governance simply because we fear losing followers or members of our churches?

If something is wrong, we must openly condemn it, regardless of who did it? And frankly, our political landscape leaves much to be desired. It’s terrible, it stinks!

It is time we spoke and weighed in on what is going on. I don’t care for numbers or followers, neither am I seeking favors. What is right, is right, and what is wrong, is wrong!

I pray more Kingdom believers can get into politics and governance like Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba, you know why? Because in the past, the church and Christians claimed that this area was demonic and worldly.

Well guess what? We now have all manner of absolutely questionable persons in the space. Many are just downright thieves and demagogues, and these are whom we now call our leaders?

Shame on us!

As Kaunda would say,

“They steal and lie in the morning, they steal and lie at noontime, they steal and lie in the evening, and even at night time, they are still stealing and lying!”

Why is this so? Because imwe abena Kristu are cowards who are too afraid to step into the space of governance. 

Let me be honest with you.

It was Frederick Douglass who implied that no real freedom is ever given on a silver platter. It is wrenched by force.

We cannot sit idly by as Kingdom Citizens (Christians) – especially clergy and fear being insulted and threatened because of governance issues.

Well, I won’t be counted among the yellow!


We have to speak, and speak without fear or favor. And so, my last appeal to those in this community, if you have issues with my speaking and what I share here, perhaps that time has come for us to part company.

But if you know what I stand for, and realize that we cannot all agree on everything, and realize that disagreement doesn’t mean enmity, then stay on and be one of our great contributors.

It is all part of unity in diversity!

Being red, green or blue doesn’t make you evil or good. It’s preference!

I am sick and tired of our foolishness in politics!

In parting with you all, let me leave you with these truths about politicians especially that I take very seriously.

Remember them, they will save your life! I am not kidding!



#1. Nobody has your interests.

#2. Everybody is chasing their own interests.

#3. Dealing with Politicians is like sleeping with lions; you must always have your eyes wide open (especially if you are the sheeple)

#4. In any political equation, there’s always someone being used. If you can’t find one then it is you.

#5. Serving Politicians is like being a bandage on a wound. Once the wound is healed your usefulness ends. Politicians don’t recognize and reward value they recognize their own needs and you are only as useful as the lifespan of their need for you.

#6. In Politics never mourn or wail more than the bereaved. They will get the reward while you inherit their enemies.

#7. In Politics, in any event that other interests conflict with your own interests and you have to choose, always choose yours.

#8. Never ever cross oceans for Politicians; you will drown and the best they will do is give a benevolent speech at your burial, lie to your widow and children and eat your food. Politicians will never cross the streets for their foot soldiers.

#9. Don’t kill yourself for their ambition or put your life at risk for any politician.

#10. Above all, Family and Health are things you should never use to attack a man. Politics is never that serious – especially Zambian politics.

#11. Lastly to all the Youths, it’s too risky to sacrifice your Career, Health, Personal Character, Social Capital, and Integrity in pursuit of short term and temporary rewards, offered by Politicians

I hope you can read these daily so that you don’t mess yourself up for nothing!

You’ve heard.



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