Open Letter To President Edgar Lungu On The K500,000 Compensation For Vespers’ Death



Dear, President Edgar Lungu,

Greetings to you and your family.

Mr President, I just have a few questions for you concerning the offer your government has placed for the exhausted, traumatized, depressed and powerless Shimunzhila’s family in their quest to seek justice for their beloved child Vespers.

First and foremost, let me state that my heart bleeds when I see money being offered instead of justice in any case that involves the loss of human life.

Even if someone killed my dog today, and they give me one million dollars as compensation, still I won’t be as happy as I was before with my dog that I developed a personal relationship with.

Mr President, are you sure with all your strength and authority at your disposal telling the nation and the world at large that the only solution your might PF government could offer in Vespers death is to pay K500,000?

Don’t you think justice would have been more healing not only to the Shimunzhila family but to every Zambian? Just an example, Imagine I was the Republican President of Zambia today, the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, I send my men in uniform and brutalize Tasila Lungu till her last breath and then I come back to you that Mr Lungu, I will pay you K500,000 because I don’t know who did this to your daughter. What will be your reaction together with your wife?

To be honest with you Sir, this money pains to talk about. Vespers life is more than money. And I am pretty sure even the family have accepted this hard gift from a humble you not that they want to benefit but to settle legal expenses they have accumulated in fighting for justice which you have denied them as a President of Zambia.

The pain inside our hearts will continue as long as there is no justice in the brutal death of Vespers and many others.

It is now clear that there will be no justice for similar victims under your government unless if they are affiliated to your government.

To this effect, may I also plead with you Sir to pay the following victims families as well, Mapenzi Chibulo, Malesu Mukonka, Obed Bwalya Kasongo, Matapa Glayzia, Lawrence Banda, ZAF officer, Peter Masani who has a bullet in his body, Ian Mutambo, the 21 Kamfisa recruits who were involved in a road traffic accident in 2013 (2 have since died the rest are in pain), two UPND women from Western Province who were gunned down by PF cadres recently and all those who have suffered political violence willfully sponsored by your government through the police.

In addition, may you pay all retirees who have saved this country their dues before they die as well.

Since you have proven to the world that you cannot afford to give justice to the need but pay money.

Your consideration to this humble and sincere request will be highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,

Sikaile Sikaile

Good Governance and Human Rights Activist




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