Home Politics Citizens First OUR PARTY IS GROWING – KALABA



CITIZENS First president Harry Kalaba says he is forming party structures across the country because preparing for an election is important.

In an interview, Tuesday, Kalaba said he was committed to ensuring that the party grew.

“Well, our party is growing every day because our leadership is committed to ensuring that we grow the party, we form structures. We have learnt lessons from the past and if there’s anything we’ve learnt is that preparation is important. An election is not an event, it’s a process and so, we have learnt that it’s a process. We need to prepare ourselves for the duty in order for us to compete favourably,” he said.

Asked what he would do once elected, he said he would provide a level playing field for the opposition.

“I think basically, it is creating an enabling environment for opposition political parties to function. It is also making sure that laws like the Public Order Act are repealed once and for all and we also want to make sure that the freedoms of opposition political leaders are guaranteed and that a level playing field is enhanced. That is what we are looking at,” he said.

Asked whether the environment was friendly for the opposition currently, Kalaba said it wasn’t.

“It is not. They spent 23 years in opposition but it seems to me they never learnt anything when they were in those 23 years of opposition. We’ll have to bring back confidence in our politics,” said Kalaba.
( News Diggers) 



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