Our Preminary Investigations In The Killings Demands That Kampyongo, Kanganja, Lusambo And Esther Katongo Must Be Fired – Sikaile Sikaile

By Sikaile Sikaile.


Fellow country men and women, we want to express our displeasure over the PF government through president Edgar Chagwa Lungu failure to give the country the report about the Wednesday massacres which claimed two lives. However, as defender of human rights and good governance, we have not just sat idle waiting for this famous report which president Edgar Lungu failed to avail the nation with on Monday. We have done our preliminary investigations and we will address some of our initial findings live on our page today. This is a reminder and warning to all overzealous cops and other security wings like ZAF who have chosen to be used by politicians.But, remember that politicians comes and go yet, Zambia will remain Zambia.Some will involve you in date games, and the Choice is all yours to stand on the right side with citizens or commit a heinous crime in exchange for a promotion which you may not even get if the job is poorly done like the Wednesday killings.

Commissioner Phiri Nelson left his home that Wednesday. He was coming to the office to execute a political game. The game was simple, kill two members of the opposition who will offer solidarity so the next group will think twice to ever come out to give solidarity to any opposition leader.The plan was so well organized to an extent that the Zambia Air Force was covering the sky. The target could have been bigger than what they ended up with. Or how does one explain the chopper that kept circling HH’s residence? In the video that was circulating on social media. Mr Nelson Phiri, instead of Manning a command post, he decided to be on the ground to coordinate operation ” CALL OUT “. The reason was simple, show the appointing authority how hardworking he is and with hope to be made IG sooner.
In real operations of crowd control, the commissioner comes in the last phase of crowd management, that is if his subordinates fail to stop a riot. Him appeared just in first phase.

Whatever his objective was, he started blocking vehicles for people who were responding to a police call out.When he was doing all this, Air force was giving him air support. The target could have been bigger, I repeat. If these guys managed to kill only two people from UPND camp the mission would have been successful. They would have unleashed the Ntewewes, Mumbi Phiri, Chilufya Tayali, Christians for Lungu etc and hipped the blame on HH if he himself was not a second or first target. unfortunately for them, they killed a man who was drinking a cup of tea. No wonder I call Nsama Nsama as our modern day Jesus Christ. His death has exposed the excesses of the police’s use of force and also the presence of cadres in the service. His going to have a cup of tea and be served that tea, was clear testament of how peaceful the UPND sympathisers were.People from within the premises could afford to drink coffee as CCTV video footages clearly shows.When the PF went into the second phase of their plan and brought in Nakachinda and company, the President himself to smear HH and his cadres. The people started to ask about the man who was taking a cup of coffee. The narrative became so difficult to sustain to an extent that the ruling government abandoned it.

Here now is a lesson for cops, if you play politics with law enforcement. You will be a Darling only for politicians so long you meet their political Agenda.But, the moment they are exposed, they will leave you out to hang and dry like an underwear in the dry season.
Up to now I wonder what blame is being hipped on Nelson Phiri behind the the scenes. May be they are asking, why did you order the killing of a prosecutor? Things like that. But we are update to date and since president Edgar Lungu doesn’t want to speak the truth about these killings we will inform you the citizenry so that you make a wise decision this year.Law enforcement officers should learn from the previous Darlings of the regime, such as General Chimense. After all they did for the people in power. Today they are left out to hang and dry.

1.In our investigations it was established that Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo, Lusaka province Minister Bownman Lusambo, inspector General of police Kakoma
Kanganja, Lusaka commissioner Nelson Phiri and others agreed in a meeting held before HH appeared to use maximum force on his supporters.The sobber question to President Edgar Lungu is that who authorized these people to use maximum force against unarmed civilians? And why these people are still occupying public offices and some promoted? Do you want them to plan more losses of lives against Zambians or what? Answer the nation Mr President.

2.Our investigations also shows that bullets were not signed for what masterminders called personal security cover, but the riffles were all signed for.Our question to president EdgarLungu is that are you really telling the nation that you are not aware of this operation and how does this make inspector General of police Kakoma Kanganja an innocent person instead of being a prime suspect?

3. CCTV video footages. During our preminary investigations we discovered that the entire area is full of CCTV cameras and video footages clearly shows who did what and from which direction at what angle. The area has also very sophisticated devices installed by a Chinese Huawei company to monitor any suspicious activity in the public domain. Our question to president Edgar Lungu is, what kind of evidence are you requesting from the general public over this operation?

4. A diplomatic plunder and accusations on the international community sending mercenaries to cause havoc. We are shocked Mr President how your own boys and girls have turned to be mercenaries after the operation failed to execute the intended job. Our question to president Edgar Lungu is that, what was the chopper doing in the sky, was it being operated by mercenaries or your men in uniforms?

Every law enforcement officer following interests of politicians is going the Nelson Phiri way, dishonorable discharge. He will even be luck if he is never charged for the murder of the two, may be because he was carrying out a political Agenda. All the people shot by the police were from Lusaka. Nelson Phiri’s Modus Operandi. Kill for politics and you serve longer. Our investigations have continued and we shall keep on updating the nation till we see justice in these killings.

“If the president himself is demanding reforms at police. Then things are really bad but, giving the very man who brought us in this situation to oversee the reforms. Is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.”

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