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Pastors can’t remain mute amidst govt failure to deliver ‘promised heaven’ – Rev Mulenga


Pastors can’t remain mute amidst govt failure to deliver ‘promised heaven’ – Rev Mulenga

Chinoyi Chipulu

Ndola Pastors’ Fellowship Association chairperson Chilekwa Mulenga says when citizens and Church members are suffering amidst a grinding economy under an administration that promised to deliver heaven, it is a failure for pastors to remain mute.

In an interview with Daily Revelation on Tuesday, Rev Mulenga said the Church had the duty to request for answers from leaders if things were not going well in the country.

“A lot of pastors today and especially older ones face serious fears around ministry concerns, losing popularity, victimisation by the party cadres, fear of being labelled anti-government or a cadre for the opposition and fear to be called names like ‘lucifer of Zambia.’ Some fear is understandable, the human brain is hard-wired with a “fight of flight” mechanism



  1. Rubbish, until the church starts contributing taxes then they can have a say in the governance of the country. If HH said let churches start paying taxes you will see how these same people will cry foul as if they even contribute anything meaningful to society. They are probably feeling the pressure because of reduced tithes, offering, seed or pledge money currently.

  2. It is misleading for the church to allege that UPND promised heaven on earth. The church should stop mocking the government because the promises which the government made are gradually being delivered fulfilled. Equally, it is not all promises that will be fulfilled at the same time. The promises which the government made are both short and long time.

    On the other hand, the church to some extent has been misleading people on the pretext of every time making unsubstantiated declarations and false prophecies. There are very few churches in Zambia that are pro poor majority of them (churches) are driven by the love of money and good at only asking for tithes and offering which end in the hands of few greedy pastors enriching themselves. If the Catholic Church speaks it is somehow genuine as the Catholic takes care of the vulnerable and have built hospitals.

    We challenge the Pastors’ fellowship to point at any tangible community development or help they have implemented or what help they have given to the poor? Most of the Church Pastors are like Pharisees who talk about things they do not do but put heavy burdens and yolks on ordinary church members but always emphasising on ‘give to the Lord and you will be blessed’ instead of stressing moral uprightness and hard work.

    The church hasn’t done much to preach hard work and moral uprightness to its members. The emphasis nowadays on give tithes and offerings for you to be blessed and go to heaven.


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