Home World Africa People kept booing as President Lazarus Chakwera was delivering his eulogy for...

People kept booing as President Lazarus Chakwera was delivering his eulogy for Vice-President late Saulos Chilima


People kept booing as President Lazarus Chakwera was delivering his eulogy for Vice-President late Saulos Chilima at Bingu National Stadium.

But the President kept to his script saying in part of his speech that, “he understands” the pain Malawians are enduring over the loss.

But the booing grew louder as he continued with his speech as he raised questions over what happened when the military aircraft crashed.

Chakwera said, he has the same questions as all Malawians and would like to know what happened for the plane to get lost and then crashed. He also said he would like to know what happened for the search of the missing aircraft to take time to commence.

Chakwera observed that while Malawi Defence Force has its own protocols to investigate this, it cannot conduct a thorough investigation hence the need for foreign expertise.

The President assured that an investigation by independent experts will be conducted to establish what led to the crash.


  1. Even here, we booed our own in the stadium.

    Voters do not appreciate people that rise to power on the back of fake promises.

    Vote wisely in Malawi.

    Vote wisely in Zambia in 2026.

    • We mbwa we ati even here we booked, the six of you pfidiots and you fil yourselves.

      Yes 2026 HH7 then 2031 and 2036 UPND still. So try 2041 maybe just maybe if your Chagwa will still have balls !!!


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