Home Politics PF People Not Happy With UPND False Promises, Says Musenge

People Not Happy With UPND False Promises, Says Musenge

Mwenya Musenge

PEOPLE NOT HAPPY WITH UPND FALSE PROMISES, SAYS MUSENGE … as UPND official describes Luangwa loss a wake up call

Mwenya Musenge has said that the loss that the UPND has suffered on the hands of the Patriot Front in the Luangwa mayoral by-election is a protest vote against the UPND government, saying the ruling party needs to go back to the drawing board.

And UPND Lusaka district deputy information and publicity secretary Costain Chilikwazi has said that the win by the PF in the Luangwa mayoral by-election is a wake up call for the UPND and acknowledged that the ruling party needs to go to the drawing board.

Speaking in an interview, Musenge, who is former National Democratic Congress secretary general, explained that the loss that the UPND suffered in the Luangwa mayoral by-election is an indication that the people of Zambia are “not happy with the false promises by the UPND, hence this protest vote.”

He said that the Luangwa mayoral by-election outcome is an iceberg of the repurcations currently obtaining on the ground.

He noted that majority Zambians are now enlightened and no longer vote on impulse.

“The people are now tired of the false promises that the UPND made such as the reduction in fuel pump prices, reduction in the prices of fertiliser and… http://dailyrevelationzambia.com/people-not-happy-with-upnd-false-promises-says-musenge-as-upnd-official-describes-luangwa-loss-as-wake-up-call/



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