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People think I’m still ZAAA president because of money but I don’t get paid – Mpondela


People think I’m still ZAAA president because of money but I don’t get paid – Mpondela

ZAMBIA Amateur Athletics Association (ZAAA) president, Elias Mpondela, has dismissed speculations that he has clung onto the helm of the Association for over two decades because he is receiving too much money.

In a candid interview this morning on Hot FM’s Breakfast show, Mpondela asserted that he receives no financial compensation for his role and will continue serving as long as he lives.

“Retirement means death to me,” he emphatically stated.

The long-serving president, who has helmed ZAAA for 24 years, emphasised that while he understands the concept of retirement, it doesn’t align with his passion for athletics.

He also refuted claims that he clings to the position for financial gain, revealing that he often covers his own expenses, including personal funds for accommodation and meals during international competitions.

“When you retire you die. For me, I believe that when you retire you begin to deteriorate and I think that work is what you enjoy and is expressed in different ways of which I do athletics. Even if I am not president tomorrow I will still be an athlete [and a] family man because that is the life that I have created.”

“And so retiring has got a lot of things but for me it’s God, if he is keeping me alive like this, everywhere he sends me, let me go and do,” said Mpondela.

Mpondela highlighted the numerous sacrifices he has made for Zambian athletics, citing the example of spending his own money during the recent Olympics in Paris where he spent 11 days.

He challenged the nation to identify individuals willing to dedicate their time and resources to the sport without expecting financial reward.

Mpondela asked those who question him about his retirement if they have a replacement for him and told them to bring one forward if at all they have one.

“One time in 2020, a replacement was brought in order for me to resign and that was my very good friend and they brought him to challenge me and I got 100 percent above him.”

“So they are all these things and also retiring, for some people, they think I am getting too much money and that is why I am staying but I don’t get paid. The pay roll is open. How many people in this country are willing to sacrifice their time and be allowed to [go through the] ridicule that I go through with my children that I have? All of them (children) I raised and educated and are well blessed but they hear me being insulted,” shared Mpondela.

Mpondela also questioned the nation on how many people are willing to sacrifice their time and resources for something that they do not get paid for at the end of the month.

“I don’t even get any allowances, sometimes I will sit with the team and I’ll ask them to help me with fuel. Often, even my friends fail to pick my calls because they know I am definitely asking for sponsorship once they pick. So that is what I have gone through for you to see the well built team that you praise when it is representing Zambia,” said Mpondela.

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba August 16, 2024.


  1. Please, leave room for others to move the oranisation forward. You have outlived your usefulness. It is not about your passion for athletics. It is about doing your part and passing on the baton. It is a relay race but you have turned it into a marathon.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  2. It is not about money that people are tired of you, it is about the kind of unimpressive service you bring to the organisation thereby bringing the sport to it’s knees. Hand over to fresh innovative minds

  3. It’s being undemocratic that irks people. 20yrs in that kind of position isn’t just good and fair enough. When will others have chance to lead the association ?

  4. You have overstayed and things have become personal with you. And don’t pretend it is about money. There are so many ways of benefting from organisations eg business contracts may be advertisements etc it is not always about direct allowances.
    So don’t cheat people, your dictorial leadership has made ZÀAA to go down and unattractive. You can’t be the only champion of wisdom at ZAAA for 24 years. You have joined and left other organisation why not leave ZAAA to other people.

  5. But you used your position to get your children go abroad and participate even getting scholarships. This idiot should be removed by force now. We don’t care about sanctions.


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