PF and UPND refutes responsibility over the death of a PF cadre


    The Patriotic Front (PF) in Ndola District has condemned the alleged murder of a PF cadre James Banda by suspected UPND cadres in Twapia Township yesterday.

    PF Ndola District Chairperson Benjamin Chitondo said this during a press briefing at the PF Ndola district office this afternoon.

    Mr Chitondo explained that as the PF were carrying out their road show in Twapia Township, James Banda one of the PF youths disembarked from the vehicle to buy some water and was attacked there and then by suspected UPND cadres who stabbed him and that he was pronounced dead upon arrival at Ndola Teaching Hospital.

    Meanwhile Mr Chitondo further revealed that six other PF cadres are nursing serious injuries from weekend attacks by suspected UPND sympathizers.

    Mr Chitondo has since warned the UPND in the district that the PF remaining peaceful even under massive provocation is not a sign of weakness but rather an adherence to President Edgar Lungu’s directive not to react no matter the provocation.

    Mr Chitondo has further appealed to the PF in the district to remain peaceful and mourn James Banda in peace.

    And when reached for a comment UPND Ndola District spokesperson David Zimba explained that the UPND had problems with accusations of such a nature and that at no point was there a fracas between the UPND and PF supporters in Ndola district.

    Mr Zimba stressed that the UPND had a procession of over 10, 000 people and that if an occurrence of such magnitude happened there was no way it could have been missed by the UPND themselves.

    Mr Zimba claimed that such tactics are aimed at blocking the UPND from holding door to door campaigns and road shows.

    Mr Zimba has since sent messages of condolences to the PF over the death of the said party cadre.

    The electoral code of conduct advocates for peaceful and violence free political campaigns ahead of the August 12, 2021 general elections.



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