PF Government will protect the media as the country goes to the elections in 2021-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has told the Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia Officials that Society needs the media if informed decisions have to be made.

And President Lungu says the PF Government will protect the media as the country goes to the elections in 2021.

In a meeting with MISA Zambia at State House, President LUNGU said there is need for Government and the media to work together for the betterment of the country.

President Lungu noted the importance of Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression as Constitutional Freedoms which must be upheld adding that Government is aggrieved when these are breached.

The Head of State also advised Misa Zambia to address the issue of people masquarading as Journalists hence tarnishing the image of media in the country.

The President is concerned that people have taken to social media to wantonly abuse other innocent citizens and hopes the law enforcement officers will come to the aid of society as the scourge escalates.

And, Speaking earlier, MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale expressed gratitude to the President for according the institution an opportunity to discuss media development in the country.

In her submission, Ms Mwale appealed to President Lungu to help in the protection of media freedoms.

She hailed the President for the role he played at MISA Zambia as Legal Advisor when he Championed for the fomulation of the Access to Information Bill which she hoped Government will enact soon.

And, Ms Mwale praised government that under the President’s leadership, Media in the country has developed with the establishment of more than 45 television stations and over 100 radio stations.

The meeting was attended by Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, Dora Siliya, Secretary to Cabinet, Simon Miti , Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe, Special Assistant to the President Political Chris Zimba , and Information Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga.

And, MISA Zambia officials comprised Vice Chairperson Hyde Haguta, National Director Austin Kayanda, Programmes Manager Jane Chirwa and Committee Member Martin Akende.



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