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PF is enjoying the UPND leadership more because their people are still in the system and are still eating- Prophet Seer1


Prophet Seer1
PF people are very crafty.

Each time I post something on my page, they flock to defend how UPND is doing politics because they understand that the UPND politics is not favouring it’s members but the PF.

They accuse me of dividing the country.
They say that they enjoy how UPND is appointing and keeping their members in the system because it’s one Zambia one Nation.

This morning one core PF cadre attacked me in the comment section claiming that PF was voted out because they empowered the members that sacrificed for the party.

Well that’s a lie. No one voted PF out of power for empowering their members but PF was voted out because of massive corruption.

There’s nothing like dividing the nation when we say that the party that suffered for the party must eat.

PF is enjoying the UPND leadership more because their people are still in the system and are still eating, so when we campaign for the people that fought for the party to eat, they say no, you are dividing the country, by the way we are all Zambians.

That you are a Zambian does not mean that you must eat forever, you supported and ate with PF, give way for the people that supported UPND to eat as well, you can’t continue eating while the people that suffered for the government are still suffering, that’s not being fair to the other Zambians, no one is more Zambian than the other

PF people always come on my comment sections to commend the UPND government for neglecting their members in the name of one Zambia one Nation but go to their pages and WhatsApp groups to mock the neglected UPND members.

They enjoy seeing UPND members poor.
They enjoy mocking the UPND members.
They even tease the UPND members with hunger.

When you see a PF member applauding the UPND government just know that there’s danger ahead.

Imagine a Hyna being so nice and romantic to a goat, just know that lunch is around the corner.

That we will not allow to happen, those that suffered for the party must enjoy the fruits of their labour.

This is politics.




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