PF plots to diffuse youth revolution

    Credit : Caleb Chisha


    PRESS RELEASE (For immediate Release)

    08th June, 2020

    The Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) wishes to advise its youth membership engaget in any planned illegal protests as these do not yield any positive or constructive results for a country’s economic development agenda.

    As an Association, our economic policy advocacy is based on constructive engagement with various stakeholders including government.

    As you may recall, we have lined up the Wakanda1 Youth Empowerment Conference and the Wakanda1 Women Empowerment Conference where we have invited internationally acclaimed activists and senior government officials. Such platforms are more likely to yield positive results as they champion constructive dialogue among various stakeholders. We have been working tirelessly to ensure that these events become a success.

    We strongly believe that youths are the future leaders and remain a backbone of any country’s economic development agenda. Therefore, we call upon all youths of the country to get in touch with our secretariat to see how best they can take part in these very important events as they are free of charge.

    Additionally, the Association has been engaging State House and the Ministry responsible for youths to ensure that women and youth agendas remain a priority.

    Furthermore, we also have lined up the National Economic Summit to ensure continuous dialogue across all stakeholders aimed at enhancing wealth creation and promoting national economic development.

    Rita Mkandawire Lumbwa
    Deputy National Secretary
    Economics Association of Zambia



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