
    PATRIOTIC Front media Director Antonio Mwanza says the newly formed ‘The Zambia We want’ alliance by the UPND and some opposition political parties is going nowhere.

    The alliance was formed on Sunday in Lusaka ahead of the August 12, General Elections.‘The Zambia We Want’ alliance comprises the Movement for Democratic Change led by Felix Mutati, Zambia shall Prosper Movement led by Kelvin Bwalya Fube, Zambians for Empowerment and Development led by Ernest Mwansa and Movement for Change and Equality led by Kaluba Simuyemba. Featuring on Diamond Television COSTA, Mwanza said even strongest members of the UPND did not know what was going on as they were flabbergasted and lost.

    “Because UPND has had election alliances with everybody. In 2006, they had an alliance with UNIP and FDD it failed. In 2008, they had an alliance with all manner of people it failed. In 2011, 2015, in 2016.UPND has had alliances with everybody and all those alliances have failed. And if you look at these individuals that pretend to be going to UPND,
    and they will add numbers,” Mwanza said. He said Mutati had failed to form the alliance before and that Fube was only popular on Facebook.

    “Let’s look at Honourbale Felix Mutati, to begin with, he went to UPND in 2015 that again failed. He was in UPND alliance, they failed to deliver the victory. If you talk of our former member of the PF comrade Kelvin Bwalya, it is true that he is popular on his Facebook page but I don’t see any basis under which he has got any
    followership,” he said.

    “If you talked about Ernest Mwansa, actually he is a forgotten man because we also don’t know what he has been doing in the last 10
    years. What is his membership, what does his party stand for, do they even have members. Do they even have structures and you go the other gentleman I don’t even know his name. I don’t even know what they stand for. So what Zambians are asking now is how many alliances will UPND form? A lot of them have failed.” Mwanza said three months ago, the UPND was in an alliance with 15
    political parties and out of them, they all left only remained with two. He said 12 left and only two remained.

    “Honourable Chishimba kambwili who was amongst the last ones also left. So UPND is not new to form alliances, they have been forming alliances since 2006 and all the alliances by UPND have failed to deliver they have crumbled. And surely even this alliance is going nowhere. It will again crumble before the 90 days,” said Mwanza – Watch Zambia



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