PF puts minister Vincent Mwale Ku Wire

Vincent Mwale

Infrastructure and Development Minister Vincent Mwale has become the latest Minister to be put Ku wire in the ongoing Parliamentary candidates adoption for the August elections reports Asa Manda.

Mwale favoured for his calm character had applied to recontest his Chipangali seat in Eastern province but he is missing from announced list.

And commenting on the outcome, Mwale has wished the adopted candidate all the best.

“Congratulations to you Andrew Z. Lubusha for your adoption to contest the Chipangali seat on our ticket.

The party has spoken and so it shall be. All the best and may God lead you into victory.

It is now time to break camps and reunite the party as we deliver the constituency for you and ECL.”

The PF adoptions has shocked many with a number of incumbents some Ministers being left out.

The ruling party says it wants to run with popular candidates in their constituencies to maximise the votes to have an outright win in the first round.



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