PF Re-admits Kambwili And Musenge



…as PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila announces the adoption of Brian Kajoba and Edify Hamukale for Solwezi Central and Mazabuka Central respectively.

LUSAKA, Wednesday, May 5, 2021

THE RULING Patriotic Front (PF) has re-admitted former opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) President Hon. Dr. Chishimba Kambwili and former NDC Secretary General Mwenya Musenge to the party.

PF Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila said in a media briefing yesterday that the development came after the duo each applied for re-admission to the ruling party and the Members of the Central Committee (MCCs) met to deliberate on their applications.

The PF Boss announced that Members of the Central Committee voted unanimously to have Hon. Dr. Kambwili and Hon Musenge re-admitted to PF in accordance with the party Constitution.

“I wish to inform our members and the general public that following the applications for re-admission to the party in line with Article 12 and Article 74 of our party constitution by Hon Kambwili and Hon Musenge, respectively, the Central Committee have unanimously resolved to re-admit them,” Hon Mwila said.

He said from now henceforth, the two are bonafide members of the PF and are free and eligible to contribute to the growth and wellbeing of the ruling party.

And Hon Mwila disclosed that the ruling party has adopted Brian Kajoba as its Parliamentary candidate for Solwezi Central and Victor Kayekesi for Ikelengi Constituency while Richard Kavwanda has been adopted as the candidate for the Ikelengi Council Chairperson seat in North-Western Province.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General announced that the party had dropped Moonga Kizzy as its adopted candidate for Mazabuka Central and has since replaced him with Southern Province Minister Hon Edify Hamukale.

“We are not desperate for candidates as a party and we will not accept such indiscipline as exhibited by Mr Moonga who applied to stand on opposition UPND ticket as well as on our PF ticket for the same Seat when he came begging us to adopt him.



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