PF Victory Is Guaranteed – GBM


    WE have sealed victory for the Patriotic Front (PF) and President Edgar Lungu in the August 12 general elections through hard and party mobilisation exercise, says a top PF official.

    TPF vice national chairperson for mobilisation Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba said the party has managed to accumulate enough numbers needed to win the elections easily.

    Mr Mwamba said in an interview that the PF has through the exercise and the good leadership qualities of President Edgar Lungu managed to attract big names to the party from the United Party for National Development (UPND).

    He said the party now boosts of having numbers which would ensure victory for President Lungu and the party in the coming elections without any difficulties.

    “We have grown the party by drawing more people and welcoming new and old members back to the party through the party mobilisation exercise which is going on very well,” he said.

    Mr. Mwamba said the party continues to receive more defectors from the opposition parties most of which he said have not been made known to the general public through the media.

    He said the recent defections of the top leadership to the PF from the UPND which is the biggest opposition political party in the country was a sign that the ruling party was headed for victory.-Daily Nation



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