I Write What I Like – 17.07.2024

By Daimone Siulapwa

The United Kwacha Alliance (UKA), once a beacon of hope for many Zambians seeking a unified opposition front, is now mired in turmoil.

Recent statements by Chinoda Ngwira, a member of the Patriotic Front (PF), have sparked controversy and unveiled deep-seated tensions within the alliance.

Ngwira’s claims that smaller party leaders bring nothing to the table and that the PF must lead the alliance underscore a blatant attempt by PF members to assert dominance and potentially hijack UKA for their own agenda.

Ngwira’s remarks reveal a desire within certain PF circles to take over the alliance completely. His assertion that there is no alliance without PF and his dismissive attitude towards the contributions of smaller party leaders raise critical questions.

Does he speak with the blessings of the PF leadership? Is this part of a broader strategy to position Edgar Lungu as the alliance leader for the 2026 elections?

In a forceful rebuttal, Saboi Imboela, leader of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), provided a historical perspective on the formation of the alliance.

She clarified that the alliance was initially conceived without any involvement from the PF. The founding members, including Imboela, Madam Kateka, and President Silavwe, explicitly intended to distance themselves from the PF due to its tarnished reputation.

It was only later, and reluctantly, that the PF was invited to join the alliance. Imboela’s passionate recounting of the alliance’s origins and her criticism of the PF’s current stance highlight the deep mistrust and the ideological rift that threatens to tear the UKA apart.

Imboela’s comments serve as a stark reminder of the challenges the PF faced after losing power.

She pointed out that before the alliance was formed, the PF was hemorrhaging support, with members defecting to other parties. The formation of the alliance, she argues, was a lifeline for the PF, reversing its fortunes and providing a semblance of hope.

Yet, the current behavior of some PF members suggests they have forgotten this context. Instead of gratitude and cooperation, there is a push for control, driven by personal ambitions rather than a genuine commitment to serving the people of Zambia.

This turmoil is a classic illustration of the PF’s modus operandi—aggressively pursuing power, often at the expense of unity and common purpose.

The party’s history of internal strife and political maneuvering is well-documented. Now, as the UKA faces its greatest internal challenge, the smaller parties within the alliance must act decisively.

They need to address the PF’s attempts at domination head-on to preserve the integrity and original vision of the alliance.

The UKA’s founders and leaders must unite and reaffirm their commitment to a collaborative and equal partnership.

They should reject any attempts by the PF to assert unilateral control and remind their members and the public of the alliance’s true purpose: to offer an alternative to the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) and to restore democratic values and governance in Zambia.

The path forward requires clear communication and strategic action.

Alliance leaders must hold firm against the PF’s overreach and reiterate that the UKA was formed to serve the Zambian people, not to be a vehicle for the PF’s return to power.

They must also engage their grassroots supporters, explaining the current challenges and mobilizing them to defend the alliance’s founding principles.


Daimone Siulapwa is a political analyst, an advocate for tribal unity, and Citizen Economic Empowerment.

For all comments and inquiries regarding content creation, research, speeches, proposals, book writing, creative marketing, investigations, and more, please feel free to contact us at dsiulapwa@gmail.com


  1. I am reminded of a comment I came across recently which states that if one does not remember the spelling of the word ‘confusion’, all one needs to do is to type ‘PF’.

  2. You have now opened your eyes. Remember the snake in the garden of Eden in the book of Genesis? In a very canning way, it made Eve and Adam lose their Original relationship with God who withdrew vital benefits from them.
    Someone did say that he was a snake, a dove and violent man. True to the word, history has shown that he is and has been a sponsor of violence since time immemorial. Political Violence with all sorts of weapons has it’s origins in Chawama, his base.
    He has shown how slippery and dangerous he can be by portraying a peaceful and humble nature for public display, yet he has previously shown his true colours through utterances when the Jameson has taken the better part of him.
    He has shown his deeper feelings about his sworn enemy before; His las visit to the copperbelt during the 2021 election campaigns when he said “I will jail HH as soon as I hand over power to myself”. Bill Ten was a ploy to move towards a one party state! ECL has been in the forefront promoting tribalism, e.g. he once said, “A Tonga will never Rule this country”! He made it emphatic when he embraced Nkandu Luo, a known hard core tribalist, as his running mate in 2021.
    So, UKA, wake up.
    When it was sensed that PF were going to lose, they planned to sponsor Kalaba to form a party as an exit safety net.
    He used inonge Wina and others to dribble Miles and others at a convention where only their supporters raised hands to elect ECL.
    Coming to UKA, it was a known factor that as soon as they went to bed with anybody with a history with PF, they were Brought In Dead (BID). That they had sown a seed of discord, confusion and poisoning of their good intentions.
    FDD is their next target as they have a history of working together in tormenting HH and are birds of the same feather as far as stealing from their clients is concerned. While ECL is a cruel lawyer with a dented background of eating a widow’s benefits, Nawakwi borrowed big from government institutions and never ever payed back.
    Imagine the two together!
    Well, UKA you have a choice to balance things and weave a Zambian and not regional faced alliance where the ultimate goal is for the majority in the alliance will suppress the minority, if indeed there is anything like that.
    There are more wolves lingering in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike.


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