Pilato: 2020- WHAT A YEAR


Pilato wrote…


2020 has been a very difficult year for many but also a good year for some. Whatever it was, we all have reasons to be grateful that we made it to this end.

For the many young people of this country, I would like all of us to reflect and ask ourselves, what gift did we offer to our beautiful country? What did we do to make this country a better place for ourselves next year? Are we able to say, it will be a great year because of what we did OR we are just hoping that it will just be a good year?

As young people we must remind ourselves that we have so much power that we can redesign and redefine ourselves and influence the complexion of this country. We can only do so if we generously contribute to the debates and discussions on issues of this country. If you have a talent, use it to create a society where your dreams and the dreams of those around you can come to life. Your unexpressed ideas have no impact on life. If you can make music, make it. Contribute to creating a better Zambia.

2021 is a year for elections, my urge to young people is dont sell yourself cheaply. Politicians will come to you this year desperately to seek for your vote. Instead of asking them for money for beer, remember we live in a country with its young people sitting under a tree for a classroom in the rural areas. When they offer you alcohol, remember we still have hospitals that do not have modern medical equipment and drugs for the public. Remember this beautiful humble country in your bargain. As you negotiate for your personal benefit ask what are they doing for the good of the country. Remember that if this country collapses, nothing personal will remain.

It is my prayer and hope that we will be more united and purposeful this year. We will refuse to be divided for any reason and that we will stand up for this country and it’s people.

I write this with a deep conviction that we do have a great country and wealthy space in this beautiful continent of Africa.

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