Home Politics UPND Police, a tool of the UPND- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Police, a tool of the UPND- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Emmanuel Mwamba

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Police, a tool of the UPND

Police working with the UPND are trying to disrupt or negatively influence elections due today for the position of Deputy Mayor of Kitwe.

In the night they took time to attempt to arrest 3 Patriotic Front Councillors on trumped up charges.

Currently Cllr Simona Kakoma of PF Itimpi Ward was nabbed and is detained at Nkana Police Police Station.

Kitwe Mayor, Mpasa Mwaya confirmed the worrying development.

The Council is this morning scheduled to vote for a Deputy Mayor.

This scenario is almost identical to what happened in Kabwe on the day of similar elections where the Police pursued to arrest PF Councillors on fictitious charges.

We have seen similar conduct of the Police in by-elections where they ignore complaints from the Opposition.

Inspector General Graphael Musamba has allowed the Police to be a tool at the disposal of the UPND as witnessed in this case and that of Kabwe.


  1. Anything that comes from Emmanuel mwamba is simply foolish. In whose time was President H Hichilema was arrested for 127 days!!?? Wasn’t his foolish political party not working with the Police and even bought those almost military vehicles to “sought” out UPND MEMBERS AND THEIR PRESIDENT HH??!! Foolish emmanuel mwamba!!!

  2. Hichilema and Upndead are finished. They know they are on their out. It’s only dull and tribal Mumbeti who can even talk about your Hichilema having been arrested for 127 days for pompously obstructing a sitting president, popular Edgar Lungu. That was a crime, in other countries such people are just shot because it poses a danger to the security of the head of state. How would Hichilema feel today if an opposition politician obstructed his cade? What intelligent Mwamba is telling you dull chaps is that Hichilema and Upnd are fearing to lose in Deputy Mayoral elections like it happened in Mkushi yesterday, so they are trying to use very dull mingalato of preventing some PF MPs from physically being present at the elections , by using the Zambezi districts police officers to arrest them. Tell your Upnd leaders that whatever they do as Upnd, nothing will change because most people in Zambia don’t want Upnd to continue in government, because of being too tribal and full of crooks!

  3. Well if indeed the said charges are frivolous and unsubstantiated, then i pitty the upnd because two wrongs dont make a wright. We all know it was the same technique being used by the former rulling party.
    Unfortunately, polititians behaviour is always the same. What changes is the physical outlook but the minds are always wired in the same way.

    I am yet to see a crop of politicians whose rule and governing style is incomparable and perculiar in a special way, devoid of any kind of misgivings.


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