….as he expresses sadness over the conduct of the Police who stormed the Church

Ndola… Monday, June 17, 2024

Armed police officers in riot gear on Sunday surrounded Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Ndola to prevent Sixth Republican President Edgar Lungu from attending Holy Mass at the Church.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Ephraim Mulenga Mapulanga has confirmed to Radio Icengelo news in Ndola that the church was under siege by officers carrying offensive weapons after word went around that the former president was to attend the 10:30 Mass.

Fr Mapulanga who expressed sadness over the conduct of the police, said the officers who stormed the church, took over the manning of the gate and some parishioners were searched upon entering the church premises while others decided to stay home because of fear.

Fr Mapulanga, who is also the Catholic Diocese of Ndola- Pastoral Director, said the former head of state was not invited by the church but he himself requested to attend Mass.

“The Parish of Holy Trinity – Masala on Sunday, 16th June, 2024 was under siege when a rumour went round that the former head of state Edgar Chagwa Lungu was to attend 10:30 Mass. The drama started unfolding around 09:00 hours when we saw some police officers trooping in and we thought it was just to come and maintain law and order. We were not engaged by the Police, asked or queried or guided on anything,” he said.

Fr. Mapulanga said Christians at Masala Parish worshipped with fear and trauma.

“He was to come not upon invitation but just to attend Mass. The drama intensified toward 10:30 when we saw Land cruiser vehicles packed with police officers trooping in with all sorts of offensive dress, riot gear and other offensive weapons now guarding the Church premises. We were really under siege, the situation was frightening and traumatizing not only to us as clergy but people who didn’t know what was happening,” Fr. Mapulanga continued.

“Heavy police presence attracted attention from onlookers and people in the compound. We celebrated Mass under fear people were really traumatized and it went on around 12:30 when we concluded our last Mass. Meanwhile, people they were waiting for did not even attend Mass at Holy Trinity Parish – Mass,” he said.

Mr. Mapulanga said it was unfortunate that Police took over the Church by force.

“My comment is that police could have engaged our administration to find out what was happening so that we work together and Police being a service they were supposed to render a service to us who were non combatant just to guide us on what was supposed to be done in case the former head of state was coming to join us for Mass. It was unfortunate that we just went under siege without any explanation nor any engagement,” he said.

“When I say the Church was under siege – meaning police took over everything even the manning of gate, they queried and searched Parishioners. Some people went back home without worshipping because they did not know what was happening at the Church,” Fr. Mapulanga concluded.

Meanwhile, Police staged a similar operation at Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Hillcrest, Ndola to prevent opposition political party leaders from worshipping.


  1. These pipo who are daring the law enforcers why not stop it begin to humble themselves in order to understand why the officer behave like that. This attitude by former president and team can not yield anything for them. It makes them be misunderstood by the pipo even more. The strategy is certainly catastrophic for the growth of their UKA. Where has adamancy worked before?

    • You idiots.

      This has nothing to do with UKA or Tayali or Fred or anyone else.

      This is about what we want as citizens regardless of who is president. We voted out Lungu for this same nonsense and now you think you can do even worse than him?

      You think voters are cows?

      Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. As history shows, HH is not a good historian as such starting the Catholic is like telling off the World Bank or IMF to go back to The western world but when it comes to money , you can’t do without. UPND is the total enemy of the Church and we shall see who will cry and laugh later between the Catholic faith and HH. If UPND was started by God will out live the Catholic Church but if this was started by a man will not reach the pinnacle of previous political parties. Imagine the police officers openly telling people this is not good for us. We live with most of these people and we are now seen as their enemies. When you see the government not respecting the church then you are in a cult government

    • The truth of the matter is that most of the Catholic priests ( not all, but some ) did not want President Hakainde Hichilema to become President of Zambia. Some of them openly said it, in their Church sermons that, they would rather rig the elections than to let HH win and become President of Zambia. The records are there. And now we have this other man called alick Banda who have now mobilised with the murders, the Edgar Changwa Lungu, The Kapyongoz and other criminals to rise against PRESIDENT HH even when most of the Priests also are not with the Lungu Changwa led criminals but are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is.

      Now the truth of the matter here is that, it is very easy for members even of the same – Catholic church to rise against each other including their leaders in their church if they continue dividing the nation. Now even those who were not there, they will be there ( nabashilimo bakabamo) very easy.; and from the look of things, those who were most hate, during PF rule are just being constrained or stopped by the wise words from President HH. Otherwise with these provocations, I don’t know, what could be the situation now.

      I even wonder what really these Catholic priests want to achieve when the POLICE say one thing them they argue and want to exaggerate issues by saying other things it’s like they are becoming more powerful than the law enforcers. They are now adding up to the propagandist in UKWA group bag of EMMANUEL MWAMBA, NAKACHINDA, etc.

      But, additionally what I wonder to understand is how these bunch of crooked riders look at the blood of Nsama Nsama Lawrence Banda Mapenzi Chiwulo Joseph Kaunda who were killed by PF thieves while they were all quiet, including the most corruption witnessed in PF? was it done in agreement with them or otherwise ? Of course actions speak louder than words, likewise – in the same vain as it is vice-versa.

      The rivers are becoming full very soon the banks will burst once this starts even the engineers of this ugly thing they are promoting will also be trapped if that is their wish – very few if not, no one will always fly away to safety.

      • Why are the upnd leaders fond of saying that the pf leaders stole huge amounts of money which they have never proved. So far we have been witnessing arresting opposition members of the public on flimsy charges using the so called law of having goods suspected to be of proceeds of crime. Nothing tangible so far has been established in their every day rantings of accussing innocent members some of whom have struggled to get the little wealth that they have acquired. Come on upnd come up with concrete matters and arrest the culprits as opposed using this useless law of acquiring goods suspected to be proceeds of crime. Tanaka ukulolela man.

  3. We will vote for HH in 2026. You will vomit your ass. It’s you who us an idiot. The Zambian citizens want decency in politics. They don’t want people who stole K65 million and gave to a concubine to be using the church to propagate hate speech. Since when did they start going to Church other than drinking jameson!
    All UKA Members are ambassadors of hate speech and they want to cause genocide using the Church like what happened in Rwanda! No ways

  4. The Church should not be used as a political platform by UKA to advance their political agenda especially of demeaning the president. All the people are aware of the evil schemes of UKA its mission is to spread lies and propaganda against the UPND government. It is surprisingly to observe that the very people who condemned Edgar Chagwa Lungu that he was a corrup and dictatorial leader are the same people supporting Edgar Chagwa Lungu to fight the government. What good have they seen in the leadership of Edgar Chagwa Lungu apart from just benefiting from his ill-gotten money. On the other hand, a genuine Church and its leadership should not tolerate politicians to use their pulpit to preach falsehood and hate speech full of lies and hypocrisy.

  5. If you were under siege, what happened next were you arrested or anyone of your members or visitors since they were there for something else apart from what they have explained and you are disputing. Because your story sounds something of your thought and I don’t know if you managed to come out (of siege ) since you were under it (siege)

  6. The good thing with elections the party with highest votes forms the government. Since introduction of multiparty system in 1990 elections has been deciding factor who to rule the Zambians.
    What ever happens people vote for the govt of their choice, you lie or not, you insult or not.
    In every general elections people vote for different political parties but the winner always emerges.


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