“Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is forever.”

— Aristophanes

Listening to them “POST TURTLES” masquerading as Opposition political party leaders every time they gather is proving to me how irrelevant they are in our current politics. They always fail lamentably to raise issues of public importance.

These “POST TURTLES” Opposition masquerades are a bunch of egocentric chaps all concerned about the promotion of personal sympathies and riding on past positions. They lack the ability to tell the nation issues of national importance. Their cry is nothing but about being out of public office and blaming the voters for kicking them out and putting them “KU WIRE”. Zambia’s “POST TURTLES” opposition masquerade parties are accountable for their failure to provide the voting public a meaningful alternative to the ruling UPND. They are to blame for their lack of political wisdom.

The “POST TURTLES” opposition masquerades have poor strategies but possess in them well organised errors that render them electorally unattractive. Collectively, in their current form, these opposition masquerades lack legitimacy as contenders for government power.

Self-inflicted arrests and crimes committed while in office will not transform them “POST TURTLES” opposition masquerades into a bunch of meaningful competitors and government-in-waiting. They have no viable, alternative economic management strategy to better satisfy the interests of a diverse voting public. They don’t have a well-developed broad based political strategy targeting the diverse voting public to build voter confidence in the capability of their diminishing parties as possible government. The ruling UPND’s track record of two years of sustained economic growth leaves a formidable challenge to the opposition.

These “directionless”, opposition masquerades will forever be yapping Hakainde this, Hakainde that. Even when they fail to find sleep they want to blame it on Hakainde.

I would like to advise the Opposition masquerades to quickly heal from their agitation on who is President of Zambia. Let them understand what being in opposition means. Let them spare a thought for the issues concerning the common man. The self-inflicted noise they are making is the death knell of cheap politics. The same petty politics that was rejected in 2021.

These opposition masquerades have fundamental right to express their thoughts. However, any illegality in their remarks is subject to scrutiny. Any illegally acquired assets, stealing for the future while in office is subject to investigations and those found wanting will be locked up. Where there is normality no one will be arrested. The last government had several Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Ambassadors, High Commissioners and other public servants. Not all are on the investigation roll. Only those that thought the rare privilege of serving this republic was a blank cheque to abuse and loot. The number of positions one may have held in public life is not immunity.

These “POST TURTLES” opposition masquerades should learn to appreciate every time they call for a press briefing. Two years ago this country had reached the peak of undemocratic human rights abuses. Lives were lost. Citizens had guns pointed at them in their faces, leaving them urinating in their pants and probably hitting number two. The likes of Obvious Mwaliteta, Trevor Mwiinde were locked up for no reason, and so were many others. Likando Mufalali was brutally beaten and hand broken. The nation was divided on tribal lines, and now we are healing these “POST TURTLES” opposition masquerades want that song to continue playing so they can continue dancing hoping the masses join them. Please spare us the idiocycrancy.

Finally I suggest these “POST TURTLES” opposition masquerades dress in clown consumes at their next press briefing because that is what they are. Gunyu Masaka is available for all consultation’s



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