Home Politics UPND President HH summons Minister of Foreign, Stanley Kakubo over latest cash scandal

President HH summons Minister of Foreign, Stanley Kakubo over latest cash scandal



By Correspondent
PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has summoned his Foreign Affairs and International Relations Minister, Sternly Kakubo to explain the allegations leveled against him over the money he collected from a Chinese Mining firm.

According to sources close to Kakubo’s activities, President Hichilema is broken over the video circulating on social media of Kakubo getting money from a Chinese.

It is alleged that Kakubo also collected a Mercedes Benz X Class ADE6952ZM as part of the payment for a transaction.

However, New Heritage Party president Chishala Kateka has wondered why President Hichilema has summoned Kakubo instead of the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) or the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).


…video and documents show he collected $200,000 and a luxury car from a Chinese national…

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Stanley Kakubo is in a new scandal.

He received $200,000 and a luxury Mercedes Benz for the sale of a mine he claimed he owns in Kasempa District.

Kakubo of NRC 235416/68/1 received the money from Zhang Lianan of Lianan Mining Ltd.of Kitwe.

Kakubo also signed proof of receipt of the money.

A short video was also taken as he was collecting the money.

On Easter holidays of April 2022, Kakubo was seen leaving Sinoma Cement premises.

After the pictures emerged of him leaving with a noticeably heavy parcel, he claimed it was a calendar and diary he had collected from Sinoma. He couldn’t explain why he was collecting calendars four months after they were distributed.


  1. Maybe Hakainde wants his share of this money first. He knew that this minister was corrupt. We told him so when first scandal emerged. Anyone with a human brain could see corruption written all over that calendar transaction. Even a cockroach could smell corruption. Even a cockroach can do a better job than this conman cowboy that harbours thieves and is dividing the country aa if it belongs to his father that no one even knows.

  2. It’s free for all, from head to toes in this government. The theft of resources and assets will be more rampant in 2024. These guys know that 2026 will be tricky for them…and they know that they are all stealing. Even tu mosquito are now stinking rich. $14million Mine sale to Anglo, 120,000 hectares given to some obscure Canadian mine in Mpika, Serenje Manganese Mines, Gold metamorphosing to Copper and Zinc…and Gold scam to espionage, Aflife cool $60million dollars environmental consultancy, K2 million in Thabo Kawana’s account, USD625,000 alleged solicitation by former Presidential spokesperson now in Ethiopia, Zesco Power Sales agreements , Fertilizers, Medicines , Maize, Fuel deals…the scams in CDF , fake PPP road projects, Debt Restructuring Corruption, and on and on. And look deeper into the Mopani deal, especially the equity partner. Which company is this? Remember how 20% became bad and 3% better in FQM.
    These people are hard core thieves, and very bold. They can even sell our only wholly Zambian inland lake Bangweulu under the guise of wind power generation.( This we won’t allow)
    There’s need for our Chiefs in North East Zambia to protect land and water bodies in these areas. We are dealing with Privatisation thieves who have come back with a vengeance.
    These thieves can’t take their thievery to western province. They will be met head on by the Litunga..so their play ground is north east Zambia.
    Kakubo’s case is nothing…
    There is thievery happening on a grand scale in this government.

  3. Opposition leader’s as Ms Kateka exhibit shallow situational analysis! She’s questioning the summoning of Kakubo by his appointing authority with malice as she has already mapped out the path of misdirecting misinforming the general public in her opposition mentality politicking! She sure exhibits traits of a mother who’d care less on hearing misdeeds on her child and sits back saying let the law deal with it! She ought to listen to her childs story before giving her honest advice that the law would be visiting her child and the child would have to deal with the demands of the law regarding the misdeeds! Kateka is all about insinuating that HH is up to cover up or to protect Kakubo! Sometimes our politicians need to understand why silence is golden than opening their mouths to expose shallowness to their reasoning!


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