Home Politics PF President Hichilema has heightened lawlessness and cadreism – Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

President Hichilema has heightened lawlessness and cadreism – Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


President Hichilema has heightened lawlessness and cadreism

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

We thought violence, cadreism and charged political atmosphere were behind us especially because of repeated public assurances from President Hakainde Hichilema.

He says his style of leadership was different and that BY-ELECTIONS will be peaceful, markets, bus stops and public areas will be safe for all.

It is no longer so.

The various crises facing the nation of famine, high cost of living, high cost of fuel and foodstuffs, corruption, high inflation and volatile exchange rate and legacy issues of poverty, diseases and unemployment were consoled by his supporters; “As long as we have Peace”.

Now that we have lost the Peace, what will they say?!

Let’s look at this;

•UPND Secretary General, Batuke Imenda called the Catholic Archbishop of Lusaka-“Zambia’s Lucifer”. No apology, no retraction, no remorse.

•Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Charles Milupi directed youths to violently deal with critics of President Hichilema. No apology, no retraction, no remorse.

•Recently UPND provincial leadership pronounced that Southern Province was a no go area for for former President,Edgar Lungu and threatened violence against Petauke Central MP, JayJay Banda and others. No apology, no retraction, no remorse.

•UPND leadership in NorthWestern Province pledged to circumcise and kill Edgar Lungu…”HH don’t k*ll Edgar Lungu, give him to us, we shall do it for you”. No apology, no retraction, no remorse.

•Yesterday, the cadres gathered at the Drug Enforcement Commission threatened to harm Edgar Lungu and sang songs showering insults against Lungu, what do you expect?

This is because the defamatory and invectives are led by President Hichilema himself who constantly threatens his predecessor and his critics with harm and destruction; “they are a click of thieves”..”they are a hegemony”…”Alebwelelapo? Where? Who will allow?..”.I will ring his neck”…”twalachaya imingalato”…”If he is snake, I’m a rancher, we k*ll snakes”!

Right now his political opponents are rotting in police cells; Hon. Munir Zulu, Mr. Brebner Changala, Apostle Dr. Dan Pule, Hon. Maureen Mabonga and Hon. Edith Nawakwi.

Pray for Zambia, Pray for Peace.

Pray that the leadership in charge of our country heed to wise counsel and not rogue advise and focus on the welfare of our people.

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) says Six million face famine in Zambia in 2024 but 1.6million people are facing starvation right now.


  1. Mwamba, you guys are so clever with words. You turn around and change colours like chameleons. But please leave novices, ordinary folks out of your plots/scripts. Your deeds are very cruel. Shepherding a naive woman onto the French guillotine whilst you remain untouched in the safety of your home and carefully crafted words/behinds laptop whilst you encourage others to commit crimes on your behalf. Cruel, very cruel. Do you think of the fate of the families they would leave behind if your pawns get incarcerated? Repent.

  2. They are truly Snakes who know how to play around with words and beguiling a few gullible followers into sticky traps! Repent ba mwamba! It’s UKA inciting lawlessness and rebellion to agitate for early elections. Why can’t you be a little patient?

  3. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) says Six million face famine in Zambia in 2024 but 1.6million people are facing starvation right now….
    Is what you quote ba Mwamba, as a Party what you doing to mitigate that famine? Why are you not importing Maize with that “Kasaka ka ndalama?” You leader suggests that Presidental benefits are crumbs….
    Then he has money, why not help feed some of those that will face famine and reduce the problem? That will demonstrate that you care. Instead all we hear is you telling us the obvious. We are not blind to the problem you have cited. But want to see just how much you care…

  4. Emmanuel Mwamba stop your gibberish talk and propaganda. There is no lawlessness in Zambia. Public places like bus stations, markets and many other public places are now more peaceful now than they where during the PF regime. During the PF regime people were attacked and brutalised in public places worse even at funerals and grave yards. Hooliganism and thuggery was very common. Today the opposition political parties can gather and talk freely without any harassment from the ruling party cadres.

    The style of politics being championed by opposition political parties are provocative and their engagement is aimed at undermining the government.

    The tendencies of UKA and other disgruntled and disgraceful personalities is focused on doing damage control for the atrocities and dictatorial happenings during Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s barbaric rule.

    Emmanuel Mwamba seems not to understand the meaning of lawlessness. I am advising him to truthfully do a comparative analysis between the previous rule of Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and that of president Hikainde Hichilema the time he has been in office. During the PF reign there was completely breakdown in the rule of law. In addition, there was no distinction in the operations of the separation of powers in the state. In broad day time PF cadres could invade Police Stations and beat up police officers. Cadres could misbehave by causing unnecessary traffic jam in the public roads without police intervention as the police officers were toothless. The PF cadres could put on PF regalia and storm any public office to harass and evict civil servants from their offices and PF leadership remained mute. PF promoted tribalism and ethnicity divisions and hate speech. Tribal name calling was the order of the day.

    Under the new dawn government these evil happenings are strongly discouraged and have been curtailed. President Hikainde Hichilema and his government have committed themselves to uphold the rule of law and they have strengthened democratic tenets by embracing inclusiveness in governance and socio-economic development. The national motoo of ‘One Zambia One Nation’ is becoming a reality under the leadership of His Excellency President Hikainde Hichilema because of his commitment to good governance and inclusive approach to national dialogue and consultation .

  5. I can foresee some of these opposition leaders dying in cells or prison. The bitterness this man is holding in his chest will only be relieved when one of his opponents dies.


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