Home Politics PF President Hichilema must explain the $ 6 billion new debt—Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

President Hichilema must explain the $ 6 billion new debt—Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


President Hichilema must explain the $ 6 billion new debt—Mwamba


President Hichilema must explain how his administration has used a new foreign debt amounting to $6 billion since he assumed office in just under three years, says Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba.

Mr. Mwamba, the former permanent representative of Zambia to the Africa Union (AU) also reminded President Hichilema that the state assets he has sold without parliamentary approval as per law required will be subject to legal review after he leaves office in an interview on KBNTV’s pastor KennedyMambwe.

“President Hichilema´s administration has accrued a mountain debt of $ 6 billion in just three years in office which he must explain,” said Ambassador Mwamba, “what have they used it for? Zambians must know how the debt has been used. Zambians deserve to know.”
Ambassador Mwamba said, compared to President Edgar Lungu´s administration that left a debt of about $11 billion aftertenyears, Mr Hichilema has nothing to show for the new mounting debt, it is ´scandalous.´

“The debt of ten years under President Lungu can be explained we built bridges, roads, hospitals and schools and airports,” said Ambassador Mwamba, “what has Mr Hichilema done with $6 billion in only three years and how much will the debt be in five years at this rate?”.

Ambassador Mwamba advised President Hichilema to apologise for prolonged power shortages, high cost of mealie meal and fuel including several fake promises he made ahead of the elections.

The two hour long interview is available on the kbntv Facebook page


  1. He operates in a thick shroud of secrecy.

    Some say he is a freemason.

    Others say he is a satanist.

    I know him best as divisive tribalist conman. A specialist in failure.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Mr. Mwamba, you accrued and left us with a big python of foreign debt which crippled our necks and ribs and you never explained to anyone. But now because it’s HH who is in power, you want him to explain, if that’s not hypocrisy, then I don’t know what it is. May be you explain first then he will follow suit.

  3. Mr Mwamba! what type of person are you who always lives and enjoys in creating trouble and exaggerating things where there is none. You remember your podcast with madam Laura Mitti. Where you tried to entice her but you got the pill of your lies and propaganda as not expected?.

    In one of her sentences during that interview with you, she said Ministry of Finance is sharing the reports and other information on their website. Which they government under the Ministry of Finance are actually doing; she even went further to encourage Zambians to check for information pertaining to the treasury and other economic questions and updates on Ministry of Finance website where the ministry is doing a fantastic job to share information to the citizens on how the treasury and the Zambia at large is performing, but for you, everything is just for exaggeration and creating problems where there seem to be none. What type of a person are you sure?. Moreover, do you question, even now your Lungu on how he and you as PF acquired the more than US $31 billion loans ( both internal and external debts?) or you as usual just pretends to look like there’s nothing the NEW DAWN GOVERNMENT is doing or it is again a group of snakes in a dean type of behaviour.

    Very sad indeed. For you

    • Ambassador Mwamba is not complaining about the non-availabilty of information. What he is questioning is the net debt value of the present administration which he says is at six billion us dollars accrued in just under 3 years as compared to the debt net value of 11 billion us dollars which the PF left after being in power for 10 years.
      Comparing what the two administrations have done, PF have done far much more tangible and overtly national developments than the current administration. This is a fact that even a Zambian kid of ten years of age can see. Hence the demand by Ambassador Mwamba that the present administration to explain to the Zambian people is justified by all basic standards. Just as justified as the present administration’s ever singing a song of the “huge” debt that PF left in 2021, which according to them has caused a lot of national economic problems.
      So let’s not blame the Ambassador for asking an inevitable question.


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