….. I hate to say that we told them so early on in their rule, they did not listen.

18th July, 2024

1. President Hichilema for the past 3 years has purposefully ignored corruption in his own Government and amongst senior UPND officials despite well meaning citizens calling him to show political will and stamp it out.

2. Today, the grand revelations of covering up corruption cases involving the ‘Presidents men’, senior UPND officials and the subsequent resignation of the ACC DG can only be referred to as ‘stuff’ hitting the fan and it is all over his new dawn government.

3. Civil service appointments to promotions, awarding of contracts, paying local contractors, procurement of goods and services are all smeared with corruption under President Hichilema’s Government.

4. Incompetence, nepotism and embezzlement of funds is the order of the day by those in power and around power. Individuals and company’s first align themselves with the ruling party to access government contracts.

5. Politicisation or caderization of state institutions has contributed to the high corruption levels in President Hichilema’s Government. We need strong independent institutions with enough bite force to fight corruption.

6. Corruption hurts the country no matter who is involved, corruption depletes the trust the people have in their government and public officials. Corruption wastes tax payers money earmarked for the people needs.

7. President Hichilema must stop this corruption for the benefit of all our citizens. The Presidents yard stick on the fight against corruption must be based on law and not personal feelings.

God Bless the Republic of Zambia.


Silavwe Jackson


  1. I honestly do not understand why people are shocked about these conmen.

    Do they not read my blogs here? I have been telling you how bad these thieves are for over 2 years now.

    They are all conmen.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Rigmarole! What you are saying doesn’t make sense at all.You have itemized your staff but failed to get sense I thought I deal with them one by one but there is nothing sure. How can the President ignore corruption when he is not benefiting any thing from the wrong chaps.Corruption is hard to fight it is like witchcraft or prostitution.For you to find evidence to show to the courts as evidence sometimes becomes difficult and if you don’t handle the matters well you end up being charged for defamation..The officers in these institution have been there way before HH became President so you can not blame him for their actions.Those that he appointed it is just unfortunate that they find themselves in situations but you can’t heap the blame on HH.He will remove and replace until he finds moral upright personnel.You can not transfer omissions of individuals to innocent HH who means we’ll.You can be appointed on these positions but you are over ambitious you are eying his seat hence your language.No short cuts boss.

  3. Indigo Tyrol.

    Surely! And Honestly speaking, can you compare HH with ECL in all fairness? I tell you the truth, HH is far much better than than your snake in a dove skin Edgar CHANGWA LUNGU – HH is more than 1000%++ better than your ECL whom I can rate, in terms of leadership and management skills to be at 24%-.

    So to tell you the truth, if indeed you have been listening from the words of HH from the time or immediately he became Republican President of Zambia. He was looking, infact even in opposition. He was and always looking at a bigger Picture – Zambia as a Country and it’s people. No segregation at all. That is why he was always mentioning these words and I quote; based on the general phrase – all of us we are Zambians’ for example:

    1. For one to get a job in the public service, the following, according to him and which all of those in public offices should have and always embrace was and still is;

    (a) First qualifications- by citizenship, be a Zambian citizen.
    (b) Second qualification – qualified, that is having genuine proper certified by authorised education bodies documents in terms of education-certificates.

    Now based on the above, he even went further to say he has not come into government to start sucking those who belonged to the previous PF regime but as long as these civil servants can work and work to serve Zambians’ they are most welcome but if they don’t change but continue doing bad things, they will have their own self or themselves to blame. Period.

    If you look into a tribal PF party Constitution, there are some closes that talks of giving their members big government ( public service jobs) jobs to their disturbed members no wonder the mess that we had in the period from 2011 to 2021. theirs was just to employ people who belong to their cardless party hence having 3/4 of these PF cadres in most positions in government. These are the same people who are continuously stealing from the people by deeping in government coffers, these are the people who are frustrating government development agenda, these are the people who always wrongly advice government senior officers including Cabinet Ministers and continue leaking information from government to the Chief evil propagandist in the name of Emmanuel Mwamba, these are the people who are always in the processes of decieving other good and innocent employees to be like them + as usual practice and enticed to have the mind of a snake – always trickery. These are the people who always leave on lies, stealing, violence, tribalism, regionalism and disunity. It’s like it is in their blood.

    Just imagine, the government orders medicines for use in all the hospital’s, clinics and health posts in the Country but them being in those offices to work for Zambians but they decide to divert these containers full of medicines to a private garage from January 2024 to July 2024 almost 7 months has elapsed and they don’t even care to say medicines are needed in these hospitals to help the sick by the grace of good to sustain their lives but without remorse they keep quite and see things as normal. Surely can a normal person say condemn anyone in the name of PRESIDENT HH if such staff are ejected from government and not only ejecting them but not give them any coin in form of benefits but also to grab all that they have, be it houses, farms, Companies and other properties so that they feel it just as those who lose their beloved ones because of their evil motives of delivering the medicines to the hospital’s feel. These, criminals and also under so whatever have to be eliminated from government, blacklist them, withdraw their passports including their NRCs so that whatever they want to do is monitored and infact throw them out completely from the land of the living. These are a batch of evil snakes that have to be hammered sternly on their heard/s. Once all this is done throw them where there is natshing of teeth and wheeping.

    2. Corruption fight- PF thugs store alot, talk of the money’s they were collecting from markets and bus stations country wide. The money they collected from the undelivered big government contracts, the bribes they got from all big contractors, talk of the Chines, Indians etc. They have alot of money but all this stollen money is nothing but diminishing asserts and as long as the words of corruption keeps ringing in the ears of Zambians, then who ever have such evil gotten wealth and money should know that they are living in sin, and sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God. Period!. So these are people the indigo Tyrol should be calling conmen not Goodman. AYIKONA. Correct your inner being my brother otherwise you will continue missing it. Read Proverbs chapter 1,2,3,4 up to 12 you will hear how a wise leader guides and educates his son and people.There three words that are continuously mentioned,
    1. My son get wisdom
    2. Understanding and
    3. Knowledge

    If you can’t find the above look for it you will definately find it and putting them around your neck and in your heart This is very important in life than being carried away by thieves who are always making noise and mostly full of insults and violent like
    the type of Kapyongo, Munir Zulu, Nakachinda, Mundubilea, Chitotela, their master MENO MENO, IMFWITI, IMFWITI, UWULYA MWIBALA.. No baabaaaa! aweeee. You will not be a good citizen because you will end up being like them in everything deed.

    Coming to the point – So the majority of these people in government are those from the rotten PF thieves regime but because they don’t want to change (un- repentance) what elso can happen is to remove them from government so that they go where there’s weeping and natshing of teeth. Full stop and this I am very sure has started the game is on. There are many in ACC who are even delaying the quick and proper delivery of cases and also in many government institutions. The koropa dot. Com. system should start now and it has to be vigorously. No any small snake should be spared because it will still scare and bite the innocent souls while the big snake can not run very far, if at all it is still looking for trouble.

    So all that the Devil does is to steal, kill and destroy but the son of Man came to serve. Always making things perfect straight to the glory and Honour of His name the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    HH is following the same way of the LORD.
    We are always commuting in the Hands of the Lord in Christ JESUS’S name.


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