President Lungu And PF Declare War On The Church As They Go For Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu

    Archbishop Mpundu


    Let it be known, that those who fight friends of the Zambian republic and its people are enemies of the republic and its people.

    Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, has consistently and over so many years of pastoral work, marshalled the Catholic Church’s social teachings in standing up for and with the country and its people each time political power brokers have attempted to adulterate, steal and sabotage our collective national interest.

    Archbishop Mpundu fought colonialism alongside the founding patriots of an independent Zambia.

    Archbishop Mpundu also fought on the side of the people in 1972 when the first government waged a politically motivated war against the Republican Constitution with the reintroduction of a one party state.

    Archbishop Mpundu stood with the people in 1991, just as he did in the early 2000s when the late FTJ attempted to usurp constitutional power by trying to go for a Third Term.

    It was Archbishop Mpundu and many other progressive voices who ensured the cancellation of the astronomical public debt to the tune of $7bn when the country was collapsing under its weight.

    In the run-up to the 2011 general election, Archbishop Mpundu was yet again instrumental in ensuring his voice and that of the catholic church always reflected that of ordinary citizens when the MMD regime of RB started attacking the national interest.

    This is a man whose history of practical servantship to country and people has never wilted.

    Today, an adulterous, criminal organization called PF, with known and well established inclinations to fanning and blowing the hot flames of terrorism both here at home and abroad, has gone all out to attack Archbishop Mpundu – branding him a political operative of the opposition.

    Let me remind the PF and its conceited leadership, that to fight Archbishop Mpundu is to fight the people of Zambia on whose account the man of God has been speaking.

    Archbishop Mpundu has openly spoken about and against the growing problems of politically motivated grand corruption and theft of public resources. He has also spoken out and against the abuse of the police by the state to oppress citizens and opponents of the regime. He has spoken against Bill 10 and the deliberate desecration of the modern church by the PF for political grandstanding.

    The Archbishop has also chastised the PF regime on the growing problems of hunger, poverty, inequality and poor economic management; as well as the growing tendencies of dictatorship under their watch.

    So, when President Lungu, Davies Mwila, Kennedy Kamba and an entire host of these political parasites and demagogues attack Archbishop Mpundu, does this not amount to an attack on the people’s Republic of Zambia and all the values we hold dear?

    Let Edgar Lungu and the PF take and limit their unholy war to their political opponents.

    When you fight a proven servant of God, you fight the voice of God. And when you fight the voice of God by waging war against his children, you are starting a fire you will never be able to quench.

    May all Zambians take their place and defend this country from the savagery of the PF regime.

    By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member



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