President Lungu has cautioned military personnel to remain non-partisan as the country heads to the polls


PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has cautioned military personnel to remain non-partisan as the country heads to the polls.

And the Head of State has direct that the Defence Command and Staff college be recognised by the Higher Education Authority as the highest military operational learning institution in Zambia under the Ministry of Defence.

Speaking when the college celebrated its silver jubilee, President Lungu said officers should stay away from politics but remember their noble duty of maintaining peace and security in the country.

“The general election will be held on 12th August, 2021. I, therefore, wish to caution you to remain non-partisan. remember your noble duty of maintaining peace and security in our nation.

He said the officers have a duty to ensure that the country hold peaceful elections.

President Lungu further called on the military personnel not to compromise themselves in any way as that would endanger the nation.

And the Head of State commended the college for its contribution to military academic.

“The Zambia defence services command and staff college is recognised as a centre of military and academic excellence in the region and the African continent at large.Its vision is to be “a center for military academic excellence for selected officers from the army, Airforce, Zambia National Service and the police service including, officers from other countries in the region and beyond. I am aware that the college came into existence through President Chiluba’s declaration on 28th December, 1995. However, there was no official statutory instrument to recognise it as the highest military training institute for the Zambia defence force,” he said.

President Lungu also said government acknowledges the efforts of men and women in uniform hence its dedication to uplifting their conditions of service.

He said government will ensure that, the officers are equipped with adequate knowledge to enable them execute their national and international duties and tasks professionally.

“The task of training officers locally has been a cost-saving measure to the government. before this college was established, sending officers abroad for advanced training for senior staff came at a huge cost to government. i, therefore, acknowledge the economic benefits to have the staff college in our nation,” he said.

President Lungu said government is also constructing a new command and staff college, which will be co-located together with the national defence university in Makeni area.

(Picture by Salim Henry)



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