President Lungu has thanked Inonge Wina for services rendered to the country


I wish to thank Your Honour the Vice-President, Mrs Inonge Mutukwa Wina, for your wisdom and guidance since I appointed you as Vice-President of our Republic in 2015.

Your counsel to the Patriotic Front and Government, as Vice-President, has been immense. You have been a bedrock to rely on, and as you leave office in August after the elections, what remains for me is to thank you for your services to this country since we started our journey together.

You are a pride of all womenfolk and girls in our country being the first female Vice-President of this great country.

We shall continue seeking your advice and counsel even after you leave office.

Thank you so much Madam Vice-President.

#MakingEveryZambianCount #LeavingNoOneBehind #BuildingZambiaTogether



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