President Lungu Should Step Aside and Give a chance to Somebody to Represent PF-KBF


    Lusaka Lawyer Kelvin Fube Bwalya commonly known as KBF has told his supporters that he is still a member of the ruling Patriotic Front and he will be running President either under Plan A or B.

    In June this year, the Patriotic Front(PF) Central Committee formally expelled him after he had claimed that he had not been served a formal letter of expulsion. The letter delivered to Mr. Fube by PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri and seen by the media, stating that the Central Committee at its meeting held on 2nd June 2020 expelled him from the party.

    However, speaking to his supporters online, Mr. Fube said that PF must start looking for a new candidate and that he will not back down on that. Mr. Fube said that when he decided to run for the presidency, he did not want to challenge the incumbent President Edgar Lungu but rather ask him to step aside.

    “When I declared my intention to stand to run for Office, I respectfully said I would not challenge the President but I will ask the President to step aside so that another person takes over this party so that we can have a new vision, a new face, new ideas to push the agenda of this Nation”, Mr Fube said.

    Mr. Fube insisted that President Lungu has had his time and that the Republican Constitution in Article 106 (3) clearly stated that a person who has twice held the office of President is not eligible.

    “The President has had his time, some of us like my colleagues CK, Harry Kalaba, Given Lubinda, Mulenga Sata at the time we all humbled ourselves in 2014 and allowed him at the Convention to take the reigns of the party. We have now tested his leadership now it’s time for him to support us,” he said.

    Mr Fube said that the President must step aside for a different face, adding that there is nothing personal.

    “These things are not personal. If the party rallies behind him and then tomorrow we suffer a blow, then what? And what’s more: why do you want to create confusion in the nation over one person?” he asked

    Mr. Fube further said: “A section of the PF may want President Lungu but is it the whole country? Some of the economic problems we facing today are attributed to his leadership. He may not be guilty per se. But his ministers, his civil service that he has presided over, directors and others are responsible for that. Now in politics, the buck stops at the President so you can’t run away from that.”

    Mr. Fube insisted that the ruling PF just have to be courageous, face that bullet and bite that bullet and tell President Lungu to help another person and go and enjoy his retirement.

    KBF said that the source of the ruling PF party’s problems began in 2016 when others bought their way in, the process was not transparently crating a situation where there are independents who are actually PF and that when he brought these issues up , he was called a rebel.

    “By 2016 there was no legit Central Committee whose time started in 2011 and now we’re trying to rape the Republican Constitution, am too experienced at the law for me to start making mistakes. “We cannot be trusted as a party if we are flouting the law and cannot respect our own party Constitution. Your word is your bond. If your word means nothing, people can’t trust you,”



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