President Lungu Vows To Ensure Culprits Of Gassing Incidents Are Brought To Book




Says no stone will be left unturned in getting to the bottom of the matter, including a commission of inquiry.

By Smart Eagles Reporter.

President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu says the gassing incidents which also led to mob attacks in the nation not only inflicted physical harm but also applied phychological warfare on citizens, causing constant fear in the communities.

He said he will not rest until the culprits of the inhumane phenomenon which started in Chingola and spread to many parts of the nation and left over 50 people dead and several injured, are brought to book.

He bemoaned the death of the two school boys Frank Mugala(14) and Sydney Moonga (17) who where shot by police in the ensuing confusion.

“The deaths of the two boys and other citizens are incomprehensibly regrettable and my heart goes out to the bereaved families. This is what the enemy achieved in their effort to distablilise our peaceful nation,” he said.

And President Lungu has announced that 26 suspects have so far been arrested and that investigations are still on going.

He was glad to report that the security situation in the nation has generally improved and thanked the men and women in uniform for their gallant efforts to restore order and peace.

“Their work is however not over. As Commander in Chief of the Defence force and Head of State and Government, I want to promise Zambians that the enemies of our people will be crushed and buried,” he said.

“To this effect, am seriously considering constituting a commission of inquiry to get to the bottom of these gassing and mob attacks. Be rest assured that all culprits will be brought to book regardless of their standing in society. The enemy will surely be defeated without doubt and the situation will return to normal for our people sooner than later, “he added.

The President said it had been noted too that the culprits have shifted their focus to rural areas where false information is being given to the public with a view to inciting citizens to rise and cause public disorder .

He thanked the traditional leaders, religious and community leaders, Civil servants and individual citizens who have played a major role in rescuing victims that have almost been lynched by mobs.

He also took time to warn strongly the traditional leaders, church and civic leaders encouraging mob justice stating that the law would soon catch up with them.

President Lungu said this in his address to the nation on the progress made in the application of National Values and Principles which he delivered in Parliament this morning.



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