Name: Hakainde Hichilema
Party: UPND

Hakainde Hichilema is Zambian citizen born in 1962 and is married to Mutinta. Together they have three (3) children.

He holds BA Economics and Business Administration (University of Zambia),MBA Finance and Business Strategy (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) and is a trained Business Negotiator as well as a qualified Change Management Practitioner.He is a member of the Institute of Directors.

Mr. Hichilema was Chief Executive of Coopers & Lybrand Zambia from 1994 to 1998 and headed Grant Thornton Zambia between 1998 to 2006 as Chief Executive Officer.These firms are both member organizations of Coopers & Lybrand International and Grant Thornton International respectively which operate in more than 100 countries world wide.

Mr. Hichilema has wide experience in Zambia, Southern Africa, United Kingdom and other countries at operational and executive management levels.

He has chaired several international conferences among them the Zambia Investment Opportunities Conference organized by the Financial Times of the United Kingdom held in London in May 1996 and a similar one was held in Lusaka, Zambia in 1997.

Further, Mr. Hichilema is an entrepreneur with a number of private and corporate investments.HH is also a large commercial farmer.

He served/serves on numerous (25) boards of corporate entities including;

· Chairman of the Board of Directors – Barclays Bank Zambia Plc.

· Chairman of the Board of Directors – Sun International (Z) Ltd

· First Chairman of the Board of Directors, Africa Trade Insurance (ATI) a multilateral Pan African organization based in Kenya.

· Chairman – Greenbelt Fertilizers Limited

· Chairman – Media Trust Fund

· Chairman – Export Development Programme II

· Director – Zambia Investment Limited

· Director – Seedco Zambia Limited

· Director – African Life Financial Services

· Director – Zambezi Nickel (Bermuda) Limited

· Director – Westlake Investment Ltd. (Mauritius)

· Board Member – Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI)

· Member – Zambia Business Forum

· Served for seven years on the Coopers & Lybrand’s Africa Governing Board

· Served on Coopers & Lybrand’s International’s Governance Committee

· Served as Non Executive Director – Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (Smelterco) Limited

Served on boards of eight other companies

Mr. Hichilema has visible foot prints in community work. He has supported many community projects including dip tanks, clinics, schools, boreholes, and dams’ e.t.c over the years. He has helped found a cultural fund aimed at financing the revival of cultural ceremonies in Zambia. Among the ceremonies supported by the fund include Kulamba Kubwalo of the Soli people in Central Zambia, Likumbi Lyamize of the Luvale people in North Western Zambia, Kusefya Pa Ng’wena of the Bemba People in Northern Zambia, Kuomboka of the Lozi people in Western Zambia, Lwiindi in Southern Zambia, Nc’wala of the Ngoni people in Eastern Zambia, Shimunenga among many others.

HH is an employer of Zambians in urban areas through companies and rural communities through his farming activities.



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