Home Politics PF Presidents and those seeking public office must tame their children- Kabimba

Presidents and those seeking public office must tame their children- Kabimba

Wynter Kabimba


Presidents and those seeking public office must tame their children, says Economic Front (EF) leader Wynter Kabimba.

Asked by Daily Revelation Media if questions could be had simply on the fact that a former president’s wife and children were allegedly owning such huge amounts of money, vehicles and assets, including one incident where one of them actually got a national forest and fenced it and was only forced to let go following public pressure, Kabimba said he felt the only presidents that managed to tame their children were Dr Kenneth Kaunda and to a huge extent Levy Mwanawasa.

“Kaunda was the only one that tamed his children to the extent that most of us didn’t even know them. I remember meeting Panji after 1991 elections. I met Panji somewhere around 1995, he was occupying an office somewhere in the light industrial area there. I had met Kaweche because we were together at the Zambia National Service in Katete. I had met Cheswa because she was junior to me at the univestisity. The rest of these bene Kambarage we didn’t even know them. We never even got to hear about them,” Kabimba said. “The subsequent presidents I think failed to do what KK did. The only other person that I would give some credit to was Levy, but Levy maybe it’s because the Chipos and others were still young. There was Mirriam and Patrick who were already old but you see, Levy also to some extent tried. Chiluba with Castro’s tantrums was probably the worst.”

He said there was a lesson for the presidents, those in public office and those vying for public office to learn, saying he tells his family members to keep to their lane and stay away.

“But it must take a father that speaks to the wife, that speaks to the children. I remember Mr Sata calling me when he became head of state and saying to me… http://dailyrevelationzambia.com/tame-your-children-kabimba-tells-presidents-public-officials/



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