


    In the recent held primary adoption process in the UPND, we have unearthed alot of malpractices amongst candidates who want to be adopted at all cost. We understand this trend is countrywide and not just the perceived UPND strong holds.

    Our report will focus on our findings in Katombola constituency in southern province.


    The primary elections in Katombola constituency were characterized with many different forms of corruption, The candidate involved themselves in many different forms of vote buying with money at play. Most wards did not go with the will of the general public, hence the unpopular people on the ground took the elections.

    We are well aware that 2 candidates in Katombola used money to buy off people in trying to make themselves popular.
    Will try by all means to hide the names of the perpetrators for now but we have the full details if the UPND would wish us to unveil before them.

    We are aware that a certain candidate paid three thousand kwacha (k3000) to each of the following wards.
    -Mosokotwane ward
    -Simango ward
    -Kanchele ward
    -Bombwe ward
    -Sekute ward
    -Sikaunzwe ward
    -Kauwe ward
    -Kazungula central.

    The same candidate also paid K10,000 to Musokotwane Ward on the day of voting and later paid K20,000 to the constituency committee members and another K20,000 to the District Committee.

    The other candidate paid the following wards
    -Mandia ward……………. K9,000
    -Moomba ward……………K6,000
    -Chooma ward…………….K15,000
    -Nyawa Central……………K10,000
    -Katapazi Ward…………….K6,000

    These monies were paid on the night before the voting day. Long before the day day of voting different officials at constituency and district levels were also being paid with a lot of money. We are also aware that this same candidate bought a plot for the constituency chairman who is currently building a house on the same plot. This same candidate is also seen to rooted in the patriotic front and there are many questions over his connection with the PF.

    We are also aware that a certain person Aspiring as council Chairperson was involved in vote buying. She paid K 7,000 to the following wards.
    -Chooma Ward
    -Nguba ward
    – Mukuni ward
    -Madia ward
    -Katapazi ward
    – Simango ward

    We understand that the general public is with a certain candidate who did so many projects and many service to the different places in the constituency such as the renovation of the clinic at Ngwezi , a bridge in Musokotwane ward, a safe room at Sibbulo primary school a road in Simango ward, ward with the community at the dam in Nguba ward just to mention but a few.

    We are understand that the top three candidates in Katombola constituency are:

    (1)Clement Andileki
    (2)Derrick Livune
    (3)Geoffrey Masiya

    We challenge the UPND to send its intelligence team to find out the household name and get the truth on the ground.

    With these vices , the party is likely going to field in a weak candidate who is not the people’ s favourite, which may dangerously affect the results of UPND President in the forth coming elections.

    We call upon the UPND to do a good job before officially declaring the candidates countrywide because many committees have been compromised by the highest bidder.




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