Home Obituary Priscilla Mwanza pays tribute to late sister Ireen Mambilima!

Priscilla Mwanza pays tribute to late sister Ireen Mambilima!


Priscilla Mwanza pays tribute to late sister Ireen Mambilima!

Today, you would have turned 70 years.
I remember how much you looked forward to this day that was going to take you to your retirement.

But alas! This cold hand of death as cruel as always, just had to touch you!

To the world, you were the first female Chief Justice of Zambia with an excellent record of serving the country and the world.

To us, you were that and much more – our powerful, humble, peaceful and loving matriarch.

I’m sure if there was a vacancy for an angel in heaven, your angel material made you a front runner.

We still don’t know how to make sense of your absence – we haven’t stopped mourning, not sure we know how.

You mothered and loved
You led
You educated
You shared
You protected
You comforted
You held us together.

You allowed us to step into your limelight and shine with you. You even allowed us to take you for granted at times and disciplined with silence.

You were our role model, how blessed and proud we were to have you.

Your absence is loud, it’s painful.

Even before we could comprehend the magnitude of your departure amake Chopi, your mulamu Tentani followed you in heaven after 5 days.

I had to learn to mourn both him and you.

I imagine you saying to him in your soft gentle voice, “ aMwanza namwe mwawela?’

Had you been here, I know it would have been easier – maybe the burden of losing a husband would have been lighter.

Your presence would’ve made all the difference.

A day after you, amake Edgar too answered the lords call. Our elder sister, the one who helped me raise my children. I can imagine you receiving her too.

As if not enough, Uncle Jeremy followed you two days later. Our big brother, the one who gave me away on my wedding day.

I am sure our mothers spread mats for you.

We continue to pray for comfort as we reckon our loss.

May Your beautiful Souls continue Resting in Eternal Peace.

We shall always treasure the memories of the moments we shared.

Happy 70th Birthday amake Chopi.



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