Renowned senior engineer Prof. Clive Chirwa, and CEO of AUVIV Limited, has taken a laudable step in recognizing and nurturing young talent by awarding K1,000- to 17-year-old Barnabas Chiti, who made headlines two weeks ago for innovating a Solar pumped hydro system.

And the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) has offered Chiti a full scholarship to study engineering at a university of his choice.

Prof. Chirwa praised Chiti for his ability to apply the latest engineering concepts to tackle local challenges, producing solutions that offer significant environmental and societal benefits. 

“Chiti has demonstrated the most current thinking to solve local problems, and his project presents implementable engineering solutions with environmental and societal benefits. As AUVIV Limited, we thought it was fitting to honor him,” he said.

Meanwhile EIZ Registrar and CEO, Eng. David Kamungu said the scholarship is not just a reward for Chiti’s hard work and creativity but also a powerful message to young learners across the country that their ideas and innovations are valued and can make a real difference.

“This gesture is not only a reward for Chiti’s hard work and creativity but also a signal to all young learners across the country that their ideas and innovations are valued and can make a real difference,” he said.

He said the EIZ attaches great importance to the promotion of STEM education, understanding that the future of the nation’s development lies in the hands of young engineers, scientists, and innovators. 

And Chiti expressed his gratitude to Prof. Chirwa and EIZ, noting that their recognition and support would inspire him and his peers to continue pursuing their dreams. 

A tearful Ms. Getrude Mwewa, mother to Chiti expressed her heartfelt thanks to the institution and Prof. Chirwa, acknowledging the profound impact the scholarship will have on her son’s educational journey.

“Umwana uyu kumano yakwe amfisha ko namuno mu office. Iyi scholarshipu ikamwafwa ukusambilila. Natotela sana [This child has today made it possible for me to step into such an office] she said [This scholarship will enable my son to get a good education. Thank you].

Chiti, a Grade 11 pupil from Kawambwa Provincial STEM School, last week made waves on social media and caught the attention of Prof. Chirwa and the EIZ with his innovative Solar Pumped Hydro System, presented at the Junior Engineers, Technicians, and Scientists (JETS) National Fair recently held in Lusaka.


  1. I personally consider it an insult to see a wealthy person like Prof Chirwa give a paltry K1,000 to the promising young scientist. And even do a media event for that.


    1. That demo cheque in the picture cost more than the donated amount of K1,000

    2. The learned Prof knows that the K1,000 is not even enough to pay for a bus ride from Lusaka to Kawambwa where the young man is domiciled

    3. The money is simply too little for all this fuss

    The Prof will do well to add 2 zeros to that amount or shut up

    • Ba Ayatollah, how much have you contributed to honoring the youngman other than criticize Professor Chirwa?

      Learn to appreciate the generosity of others, no matter how “small” their gesture. You are free to donate generously to the youngman instead of prescribing how much others should donate. .

  2. K100 000 or K1000? If true then I blame this media platform and the Editor has to fired for incompetence, you can’t be wasting company resources like this.


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