By Chanoda Ngwira F

Within the United Kwacha Alliance(UKA) Council of Presidents, a troubling trend has emerged, revealing stark double standards in the treatment of members based on their political affiliations and alliances. It appears that individuals championing the political cause of Zambians through the promotion of President Edgar Lungu are swiftly labeled as enemies of the Alliance, while those openly critical of Lungu, such as Saboi Imboela, are seemingly granted immunity from repercussions.

This glaring inconsistency has not gone unnoticed, with figures like Harry Kalaba  and Jackson Silavwe  who have previously feasted on members of Lungu’s Patriotic Front (PF), escaping censure despite their actions.

The evident desperation to combat the PF and its leader Edgar Lungu, along with the brazen reprisals against those who have openly endorsed Lungu’s candidacy for the UKA presidency, foretell a storm brewing within the alliance. Such a volatile situation, marked by internal strife and underhanded tactics, is akin to a ticking time bomb, set to detonate and leave a trail of bruises in its wake.

The failure to address these festering tensions and the preferential treatment extended to certain members within the UKA Council of Presidents only serve to exacerbate the growing rifts and foster an environment of discord and distrust.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the UKA Council of Presidents has normalized a culture where members are permitted to undermine and sabotage their fellow alliance counterparts with impunity.

The alarming pattern of members like Saboi Imboela – SI  openly disparaging the PF and Edgar Lungu while facing no consequences, coupled with instances of Kalaba and Silavwe pillaging PF supporters without reprimand, underscores a systemic issue of selective accountability and ethical lapses within the alliance. This slippery slope of unchecked discord and subversion is poised to lead the UKA down a treacherous path, ultimately fracturing the very foundation it was built upon.

As conflicting interests continue to clash and personal agendas overshadow the collective vision of the UKA, the seeds of discord sown within the alliance threaten to engulf its members in a storm of chaos and division. If left unaddressed, these double standards and internal power struggles are poised to culminate in a damaging implosion that could irreparably harm the unity and integrity of the Council of Presidents. The time for introspection and reform is now, lest the UKA find itself torn asunder.

(Chanoda Ngwira is a Public Administrator, Teacher, Former Trade Unionist, Public Speaker, Politician, Writer and Political Commentator. For private engagements, email; orisonconsult@gmail.com or chanodangwira@yahoo.com)


  1. It is better for the alliance to expel bad seeds who manifest now instead of having these differences after taking power should it come to that. Let the cleansing process continue until like minds remain in control, then from there a flow will ensue. Every political organization goes through this process, so it is not new. It is a process that has to take place before the process of stability.

  2. Ngwira, your hidden agenda which people know and you don’t share it openly causes misunderstandings.You want to be a kingmaker at a wrong time with a questionable choice which has been tested before and now disapproved and incorrigible,this can not be accepted by alert stake holders.You are chasing the wind.If you got any money from the hopeful king you better return the money for you will be paid for nothing, people don’t need your choice.You may appear to be a scammer. Your choice is not acceptable by many people and especially the voters.And you know that too well, no doubt about it.

  3. Why is Lungu scared of contesting for positions but love endorsements. You can’t endorse someone prematurely when you have other members willing to contest for the position? That’s why Sampa took over PF because Lungu put stooges to keep warming the position him, so he could come and play imingalato. He thought he’s the only person who knows imingalato until Mbape pounced.

  4. Very interesting indeed. As for our brother Chanoda Ngwira. With the credentials you presented, it’s mind boggling that you are a stooge. It is sebana wikute again. You cannot sell somebody who lost with one million votes. Maybe on Neptune but certainly not on Earth. All Zambians except a few easterners like you and Sean Tembo think otherwise. I have been going round the country Chipata and Petauke included. Their stomachs flatly don’t agree with your soup! You are selling water to eskimos my dear. Unless time wasting is your hobby or you’re getting paid for shovelling this muck, there is starkly no justification for this. It is in bad taste for sure. Lungu has danced his act. It’s now for others. Let him go witness the justice juggernaut grind his family in courts. Tasila has bolted. Just like JJ and Tayali. During late Levy’s rein, it was As well Banda. Fear of the unknown sent him to SA.

  5. Mr. Chanoda Ngwira has single handedly performed the job of undertaker for the hapless UKWA alliance. He is a loose cannon and as usual, Mr. Lungu failed to rein in this cadre.

    Next, he will turn on the new alliance, Tonse or whatever. PF is a party of confusion, arnachy and lawlessness. Our country ended up confused during their reign. Wherever Mr. Lungu is, there are chaos. That is his trademark. Confusion powered by ECL.


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