Home Politics PF Robert Chabinga’s action sign of resignation from PF – Miles Sampa

Robert Chabinga’s action sign of resignation from PF – Miles Sampa


Chabinga’s action sign of resignation from PF – Miles

PF Member of Parliament Miles Sampa, has disclosed that he has instructed Morgan Ng’ona to write a disciplinary letter to Robert Chabinga, the purported Leader of the Opposition in Parliament to exculpate himself for attending the UPND public rallies in Chinsali and Nakonde because his (Chabinga) actions could be deemed that he has since resigned from the Patriotic Front (PF).

Mr Sampa, also says that President Hichilema’s approval ratings were an all-time lowest and people telling him the opposite were only misleading him.

Mr Sampa said in an interview that it would take a huge miracle in delivery for President Hichilema to reverse his lost popularity among Zambians, stating that he had been in Lusaka all his life and had been interacting with people on the ground who had disapproved President Hichilema’s style of governance https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. The Hakainde – Sampa Project is dicey. Who between the two hold the four aces?
    Sampa holds the four aces. Hakainde was too exposed in this PF project to an extent of even breaking the law..and he is Republican President! Theres no way the commander in Chief can allow the Police to guard an Illegal PF conference…and further provide state security for an illegal President.
    If the Tribal goal keepers in the Judiciary get the PF cases from where they have shelved them and start to make rulings against Sampa, he will spill the beans and Hakainde will be exposed…and a lot of other people…the speaker, Clerk of the National Assembly, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Perm sec, and the so called Registrar of Societies. All compromised officials in the executive , Judiciary and legislature who played a part are scratching their heads looking at Sampa’s antics.
    But it can also be strategy, a bit of shadow boxing with the UPND to show people that he is not Hakainde’s stooge..and get some following from some PF Members. Let’s wait and see..as the late Ruth Mbandu’s cold case starts thawing….the Sucker Punch.

  2. Those attacking HH are doing it out of envy as the man has performed far more better than expected under difficult conditions . He has achieved a lot so far. I bet come 2026 he will win by a landslide. Zambians have there eyes open. Wait and see. The likes of Sampa, Fred, Sean, Edgar and many others should reposition themselves for shocks. We’re definitely voting him in for the second term.

  3. If HH’s popularity was that low, then Miles should be happy instead of worrying over Chabinga attending UPND rallies.
    The mere fact that Miles is having sleepless nights over HH means the president is doing very well and on course for another electoral landslide at the next general election in 2026.

  4. Miles take your grouping to socialist and work with Fred, wanyeka munzi, wait as people start to cry over fuel and Zesco tariffs people are begining to plan for the end game in 2026, the projection of a one term president is begging to appear real and UPND which is out of touch with the ground is just worsening matters, the nepotism at Zesco is also one of those things that are adding wood to the already blazing fire, it will be a horrible shock this time around,PF may have been in deep shock but the coming shock will lead people to hospital

    • Whats the solution to this fuel increment tell us definitely you are nit thinking if subsidizing at the expense of social amenities like employing health workers and other givt workers

    • Am aware that a lot of Zambians are not exposed, otherwise zambia doesn’t make fuel. Wise thinking and exposed Zambian will still go for HH in 2026. Otherwise, even the an exposed chaps will still go for HH when the economy picks up in the coming two years coz of the investments being made now.

      People are going Solar currently and winter maize production etc, meaning when the rain come back to normal, we will export power and maize. The economy is training People to be hardworking and thinking outside the box. Laziness is leading people to noise making currently

  5. This is not the first time for Hon. Chabinga to attend UPND rallies, he has attended several of before not only in Muchinga but in other Provinces as well including Copperbelt. Sunday Chanda is doing the same, so where is your problem ba Hon. Sampa? Chabinga is hard working and he wants to work with hardworking and progressive people like HH and UPND. If the rating for HH is at its lowest, why are you complaining then? I thought you should be happy instead.

  6. Miles Sampa and his games…the imposter just wants to give a semblance of relevance. He knows he has no following in PF..So with a few jabs at Hakainde and the UPND, the Mingalatoons think they can do the trick.. hoodwink a few naive PF members that Miles is an Opposition..but come 2026 his true colours as Hakainde’s stooge will become manifest.
    The Hakainde – Miles Sampa Project has failed..so do a bit of shadow boxing with Hakainde to destroy the PF..the ultimate objective. And of course the UPND top brass will react to whatever Miles Sampa is saying…so too the Praise Thugs and Tribal Zealots, and they will be loudest.. reacting to the PF President !!! It’s just some game. Some game among con artists… Hakainde, Miles Sampa and Robert Chabinga… Drinking tea together..as usual. You think you can fool a ‘Corleone’ !


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