Home World Russian soldier ‘drives tank over his commanding officer in protest

Russian soldier ‘drives tank over his commanding officer in protest


A Russian soldier reportedly drove a tank over his commanding officer in a protest about the horrific army war losses.

Colonel Yuri Medvedev was seen in a Russian video being transported to hospital in Belarus after the alleged incident.

The commander has reportedly suffered serious leg wounds.

The serviceman had accused the commander over the death of half of his comrades-in-arms, reported Ukrainian journalist Roman Tsimbalyuk.

It is suggested some 750 out of 1,500 were killed, with many more wounded.

“A soldier, choosing a convenient moment during the battle, ran over his brigade commander, Colonel Yuri Medvedev, with a tank, injuring both his legs,” said Tsimbalyuk.

He is said to be awaiting compensation for his wounds.

This has not been independently verified, but a video released by Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov – a close ally of Vladimir Putin – evidently showed Medvedev being transported by medical troops to Belarus for hospital treatment.

One Chechen fighter, part of the Russian National Guard – directly under Putin’s control, told him: “Hold on…how are you? OK? Talk to us…

Medvedev replied: “I’m OK. Where are you from?”

The colonel was then told to keep on his bulletproof jacket.

He was seen being unloaded on a stretcher with his legs appearing to be wounded.

It comes as Putin has allegedly resorted to extreme measures to combat his troops’ low morale.

The Kremlin is reportedly sending execution squads after their own army with orders to kill any Russians who try to flee.

Ukraine security services claim that prisoners of war have told them of the horrific tactic that has reportedly seen Russian guns aimed at their own.

The ‘execution squads’ are a revival of Stalin’s World War Two tactics and are another sign of dire morale among Moscow’s troops, The Mail Online reports.



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