Simon Mwewa Lane Defends Lusambo On Daev’s Accident


BY ZR Reporter

Facebook vlogger Chitambala Mwewa, commonly known as Simon Mwewa Lane, has defended Lusaka minister Bowman Lusambo over his sentiments on the death of the young musician David Phiri aka Daev.

The young outstanding musician died in a road traffic accident with four others.

Commenting on the accident, Mr Lusambo said: “I was coming from Chilundu. As you may be aware, Chirundu is my district in the Lusaka province. I witnessed what happened and I can assure you that…first of all, may the soul of the young talented musician rest in peace but he was very careless on the road.”

The minister’s sentiments were however not well received by two XYZ giants Bobby East and Slapdee.

Slapdee expressed displeasure in the minister’s comments and said it was too soon for him to say that.

He urged Lusambo to relax his tongue.

“I’ve heard people say bad things about this guy and never really bothered to do a research why. In my head it was just people talking about a public figure as usual but this…this really hit a nerve.
“Too soon Mr. Minister…too soon. That’s all I can say. Relax your tongue sir. One day your words will bite you,” he said.

Meanwhile, Bobby East said yesterday on his Facebook page that “XYZ notoriously stays out of politics… Politicians should follow our lead and not talk about us, especially regarding a recently departed brother…. I’m very young but even I know that you don’t speak ill of the dead…”

In his post today, the talented rapper posted a picture of himself, Slapdee and the late Daev and said “I’m not perfect, I mess up a lot of the time but whether living or dead these are my brothers.. Nothing would stop me from defending their honor… #SKYLEVEL”

But Mwewa today in his post told people not to condemn Mr Lusambo for his observation, but should instead condemn drunk driving.

He said that most Zambians consider drunk driving as a badge of honor.

“Some men even have the audacity to boast about how sloshed they were but still managed to drive home in their drunken state. Unfortunately, our Zambian women have also joined the ranks of these drunken masters that throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where they may. There is nothing more unattractive than a woman that is sloshed (drunk),” he said.

Mr Mwewa called for a comprehensive approach in order to effectively deal with drunk driving.

“Honorable Lusambo recently made an abservation that we must all, quite frankly, pay attention to. We err when we deflect attention from the real issue by labelling his observation as insensitive. We must, as a nation address the problem of drunk driving. As things stand right now, we have no workable mechanism to deal with drunk driving in Zambia. The police are woefully ill-equipped to tackle drunk driving because they themselves are the purveyors of a drunken lifestyle. How many police officers do we see drunk while dressed in uniform? We need a comprehensive approach in order to effectively deal with drunk driving…it cannot be dealt with by merely throwing up public service announcements that declare don’t drink and drive,” he said.

Mwewa further stated that by nature, most Zambians that drink and drive are very careless with their lives adding that they don’t care about their fellow motorists.

He said when a drunk driver gets involved in an accident as a direct result of being drunk, he or she causes untold misery for their families and for the families of the victims.



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